Convert and Mail - mail merge question


I have looked at the forums and cannot find an answer to this question.

I am trying to convert a multi-page Word document into PDF format and mail merge each individual page to a different address. To do so, I am using an excel spreadsheet for the email addresses.

When I used Adobe Professional, MSWord gave me the option of choosing “PDF attachment” when choosing the attachment format.

Now, when I go to the PDF Architect tab in MSWord, and select “Convert and Mail” from the PDF Architect tab, it creates all the pages into one PDF, instead of separating each page to a different document and a different email address.

My goal is for it to email each page to each address in my Excel merge spreadsheet.


Dear @CLIAuser

How exactly do you set up your pages within your Word document to ‘correspond/connect’ to your Excel spreadsheet containing the email addresses?

So far, I only managed to replicate the functionality ‘Convert and Mail’ of PDF Architect (as described above).

Kind regards