Converting from PDF to PDF/A ( Error 26999)


I had a look at this and was able to reproduce the issue.
It seems the /profile parameter is ignored or at least doesn't work as expected, but works if you use /PrinterName instead (and tie the profile to a new printer which you can use for the action).
Sorry for the trouble, I have created a ticket to get this fixed.

Best regards


Thanks Robin, but I tried using 2 printers, in the first I call PDFCreatorCREAPDF/A I put the script with the parameters /PrinterName="PDFCreatorCREAPDF/A2" /PdfFile= (which is the second printer that creates the pdfa) but it does not work yet, creates only the first pdf

I must have overlooked something while testing this from the command line and mistakenly thought it was caused by the /Profile parameter causing PDFCreator to no create the second file properly;
It seems the issue is actually caused by an additional blank which is automatically inserted between the /PdfFile parameter and the output files , e.g. "/PdfFile= "some.pdf".
I was able to work around this by placing a pdfa.bat with the following content into the PDFCreator application folder: PDFCreator.exe /Printername="PDFCreator2" /PDFFile=%1
and pointing the script action to the batch file with no additional parameters.
Sorry again for the chaos, I did test the previous suggestion but I tested it by running the command directly and didn't notice the additional blank.
This was now tested successfully directly inside of PDFCreator.

Best regards



I still get the 26999 Error whilst printing to PDFA with the free version.

Can anyone help please?




I wasn't able to reproduce this with PDFCreator 3.2.2 free, do you get this for all input files, or only for some?

Best regards


I get the error only when I create PDFA files.



Me too.
I tried to create the batch file but it keeps giving me the same 26999 error ONLY when I try to print any file from an application e.g. adobe reader and selecting the newly created profile.

If I open instead the PDFCreator GUI and I try to do from there, it works.
Is there something am I missing?
Thanks in advance


do you already have the latest PDFCreator version installed?
It will now directly process PDFs instead of printing them (unless of course you manually print them).

Best regards


I'm sorry for ressurecting dead topic, but I just run across this issue, with PDFCreator Free v3.4.0 Build 5156.
Since I cannot create second profile on my pc, is there any other workaround I can use?
Thanks in advance.


do you print the PDF to the PDFCreator printer, or do you use drag&drop or the "convert with PDFCreator" entry from the context menu?

Best regards


Oh, sorry, I should be more specific. Due to the amount of files, I send them to PDFC printer. Drag and drop function is working just fine, but it is quite time consuming, so I was looking for any fix of print function. But if there's none other than second profile, drag&drop will have to do.

PDF Creator: Converting from PDF to PDF/A (Error 26999)
Problema: non si riescono a creare i file PDF/A se il sorgente è gia un file PDF. Se invece si utilizzano altri file word, excel… funziona correttamente.

  • WOKAROUND: mettere sul desktop l’icona di PDF Creator, trascinarvi sopra il file PDF che si vuole trasformare in PDF/A
  • WORKAROUND2: aprire il file PDF sorgente con LibreOffice, quindi stamparlo in PDF/A (LibreOffice lo apre in Draw, pertanto non essendo più il file di partenza un PDF, l'operazione va a buon fine.
  • Sembra che il problema sia dovuto alla versione di GPL Ghostscript utilizzata, la versione di Ghostscript 9.19 non ha questo difetto.E’ quindi in teoria possibile sovrascrivere in C:\Programmi\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin la versione fallata con una funzionante.
    Personalmente mi sono accorto che: PDFCreator-3_4_0-Setup.exe si installa nella cartella Programmi a 64bit, ma utilizza come Ghostscript una versione a 32bit (C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\bin\gswin32c.exe, e le 2 librerie gsdll32.dll, gsdll32.lib
  • SOLUZIONE: Poichè sul mio computer ho installato GPL Ghostscript a 64bit nella versione 9.26, ho semplicemente rinominato i miei file a 64bit con i nomi dei file sotto sovrascrivendoli.
    Funziona tutto correttamente (almeno per la necessità di trasformare i PDF in PDF/A.

Sorry for my english, if you need more information, please use Google Translator.

This annoying longstanding bug is still here in latest version 3.5.1

I can confirm that 3.0.3 works just fine.