I share printer but does print nothing from the PC where is shared

Hello everybody,

I installed PdfCreator in a Windows Server 208 R2 and I share this printer in a Print Server.
All the machines are able to connect with the printer but when I print any document, it appears in the printer queue but no document appears in the shared folder which I configured in the autosave option.
PdfCreator logs does not show anything.

I checked folder permissions and everything is fine.

Can anyone help me to solve this issue please?

Thanks in advance.


I am afraid the .Net versions of PDFCreator don’t have a servermode, you will need to install version 1.7.3 with expert settings and select the servermode during the setup.

best regards,

Ok, thank you very much.
With versión 1.7.3 works fine!! :slight_smile:


I have just installed the latest version 2.3.2 and ran into the same problem. I assume this is still the case with the latest versions?
If so where can I download 1.7.3 from?

Many thanks