InputFilename token not working in Save & Auto-Save

Here’s what I want:
old filename = 12345.pdf
new filename = 12345XX.pdf

Here’s what I’m getting:12345.pdfxx.pdf

Version 2.5.1
Profile Save Filename Template
InputFilename token + XX

The Preview: shows the problem

I installed Version 2.4.1 and the problem still exists.
Other users here on 2.4, 2.4.1, and 2.5.1 don’t have this problem.
It used to work fine up until about 2 weeks ago.


please check if the list of title replacements in the PDFCreator applciation settings still has a .pdf entry.
Another possible reason for this could be changes made to the printing application, but I suspect it is a problem with the title replacements.
By default, .pdf inside a filename will get replaced by a blank, the file extension is then added in a later step depending on which output format you have selected. Up to version 2.5.2, there was a rare issue which could cause PDFCreator to lose settings, maybe this somehow messed up the title replacement settings.

Best regards,
