Insert / Links url box unwanted black-line frame

Hi all,
I recently purchased and started using pdf Architect and I face the following issue.

When I create the box to Insert and box for the url Link I want to place over a Linkedin icon (as I want the viewer of the file to be able to be redirected to Linkedin profile), in the published .pdf file, I still see the black thin lines of the box url I drew on the file. This box makes the file look both ugly and amateurish and I want to be able to remove the box’s outlines.

Is there any way to remove them or at least make them transparent?

Thanks a lot for your time.


yes this is possible.
First create the box, then click onto it (while still in edit mode) and open the properties panel on the right side of the screen:

Setting the border width to 0 will do the trick. As long as you are in edit mode in PDF Architect and mouse over the box, it will still display a thin grey border, but this is only visible while in edit mode and will not be visible for other people opening your PDF.

Best regards


Thank you Robin for your prompt response.

Is there any way to do it en masse to all the links in a pdf?