PDFCreator does not work with DelphiXE

I need a step-by-step how to make PDFCreator work with DelphiXE. I am more than 5 days reading everything I found about installing PDFCreator to make it work, but nothing works.
I downloaded the installer PDFCreator-3_2_2-Setup.exe, and did the installation without problems. Imported PDFCreator.COM.TLB in Delphi, did not give error, but did not appear any component. I tried to use a sample program to test, however, a "class does not registered" message appears. I tried to register to PDFCreator.COM.DLL, but windows does not accept the registry, and with this, no program works. How to make TLB or COM object work with DelphiXE? HELP! Please!

anyone to help with this?