PDFCreator Server - 1 user always prints as Administrator


We run PDFCreator Server and deploy some PDF printers with GPO. Each user prints to his own directory using the Author token. This works good for almost all users.

For one user this does not work. It does not matter if i use Author, UserName or PrintJobAuthor... It always prints to the Administrator directory.

If i make a test print on the pdf printer when logged in as this user the test print shows the expected username but the result is not as Expected. The PDF ends op in the Administrator directory. The PDF creator log also shows Administrator for this print.

[Info] pdfforge.PDFCreatorServer.Service.ServiceCore.JobProcessing.WorkerManager.DoWork: Successfully completed print job 254:
InfFile: C:\Windows\TEMP\PDFCreator Server\Spool\36-B60866F93B0C4D5BAAB434DA38B0F4FB.inf
DocumentTitle: Testpagina
UserName: Administrator
WinStation: Services
ClientComputer: RDS06
PrinterName: PDF Test Printer
OutputFile: \dc01.domh6682.local\data\__PDF Printer\Administrator\Testpagina_8.pdf
OutputFile exists: True

It seems that this was an NTFS permission issue on the share where the PDF’s were created. solved.

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