Can't find a supported Ghostscript installation


I just installed PDF Creator 3.5.1 and Ghostscript 9.5 and wrote a very basic .Net program:

Queue queue = new Queue();

Om the second line PDFCreator fails with this message:

Can't initialize the COM interface! Startup condition 'GhostscriptCondition' failed: Can't find a supported Ghostscript installation.

Any ideas how to fix this error?

I am on Windows 10, 1903

Thanks very much!

Hi @Roeland,

if you're installing PDFCreator with our official setup there is no need to install GhostScript manually.

Please try to uninstall both GhostScript and PDFCreator and reinstall PDFCreator only.

Hi Florian,

Thank you for your time and reply. I have removed PDF Creator and Ghostscript and the reinstalled PDF Creator. Unfortunately the same error appears.

You're welcome! :slight_smile:

Does any of the example scripts work?