CMYK/RGB colors

Hi to you all!

I have a MS Word document with colors that I wanted to convert as a PDF with CMYK colors but I seems that I didn't work... Here's the situation: in PDFCreator's Options > Formats > PDF > Color, I selected "Use Color Model Device CYMK". But then I sent the file to a printer who made a Preflight and the result is that the whole PDF is in RGB mode!

I know that MS Word only works with the RGB mode, but I thought that by selecting the "Use Color Model Device CYMK" option in PDFCreator, I could get a PDF file with CYMK colors...

So then I tried something else, just to be sure that the different options work: I selected the "Grayscale" option in PDFCreator, hoping to get a PDF in greyscale... but I got a color PDF version all the same!!! So that seems to confirm my problem, that is that I can't seem to make the color options work properly...

But still, I can't understand what I did wrong...

I tried other things to fix the problem during two hours, including changing some advanced options in the MS Word Printing options, but I still couldn't get a greyscale PDF file, so I guess that is for the same reason that I can't get a CMYK PDF file...

Please, can somebody help me???

Thanks a lot!!!

Hi laurent.

It took me some time to find this out but you'll have to supply a ghostscript option to make grayscale image conversion work.

To do so, add the following ghostscript parameter in the options screen:


Thank you darseq! I was looking for an option to convert colored pdf documents into grayscale and your reply helped.