I would like to always accept the defaults for the document properties window, and skip having it displayed. I am referring to the initial window that pops up with such info as author, title, etc. Is there a way to avoid having this pop up? It just slows me down unnecessarily.
I would also like to know if this is possible.
Also would like to know where the default author infill text is pickup from on the computer. Changing this info every time is slowing me down unneccessarily also.
I am calling PDFCreator via command line
>>PDFCreator /NoStartup /PF
I have enabled the the Autosave option in the .ini file
I need to convert a *.doc file in a *.pdf;
with the command showed above MS Word is opening automatically and then is closed after that a PdfMonitor window appear with the initial Author, Filename, to insert, unfortunately I have to manually click on the save button to start the conversion
Is there a way to avoid to click and automatically tell PDFCreator to print the document
Is there an 'autoprint' option similar to autosave?
I need to create 40/50 pdf from doc documents then I wish to avoid any click and having a batch file to do in automatic all the conversion.
Thanks for any reply