I can't create PDF set PDFDisallowPrinting from VB


I've got this problem:

I've got a VB program that must create a PDF not printable from a PDF file, so I use Adobe Acrobat to open and print my files on PDFCreator printer using the option PDFDisallowPrinting. The new PDF files is printable, even if I use the option PDFDisallowPrinting.... I have this problem with PDFCreator 0.9.8 and 1.0.1.

Where is the error???? Can someone help me?

Thank-you very much....and I'm sorry for my english....


This is the source code to set the printing parameter:

        Set PDFCreator1 = New clsPDFCreator
        Set pErr = New clsPDFCreatorError
        If PDFCreator1.cStart("/NoProcessingAtStartup") = False Then
            Call PDFCreator1.cStart("/NoProcessingAtStartup", True)
        End If
        Set opt = PDFCreator1.cOptions
        With opt
            .PDFUseSecurity = "1"
            .PDFOwnerPasswordString = "omicron"
            .PDFOwnerPass = "1"
            .PDFDisallowCopy = "1"
            .PDFDisallowModifyAnnotations = "1"
            .PDFDisallowModifyContents = "1"
            .PDFDisallowPrinting = "1"
        End With
    PDFCreator1.cPrinterStop = True

   ' Run Acrobat Writer as COM-server
   Set g_App = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
   Set g_AVDocument = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
   If g_AVDocument.Open(ls_fileIn, "") = True Then    
          Set g_PDDocument = g_AVDocument.GetPDDoc()
          nPages = g_PDDocument.GetNumPages()
        ' Print all pages of the document
          Call g_AVDocument.PrintPagesSilent(0, nPages - 1, 0, True, True)
        ' Close the document
          Call g_AVDocument.Close(True)
          Set g_AVDocument = Nothing
          Set g_PDDocument = Nothing
        End If

        Call g_App.Exit
        Set g_App = Nothing
   end if

    PDFCreator1.cPrinterStop = False
    Sleep (1000)
    Sleep (300)
    While IsPrinterReady = False And PDFCreator1.cCountOfPrintjobs > 0 And IsPrinterError = False
        Sleep (100)




I find the problem!

It's missing this instruction:

    Set PDFCreator1.cOptions = opt

