Installation steps: PDFCreator as a shared printer

Hi all,


I use PDFCreator since years now. Nice piece of code, really !


I'm stuck with a (maybe) simple problem: I don't understand how to share a PDFCreator printer on a Windows XP Pro computer. I found several different explainations, tested, but no way, this don't work.


I then used two computers, "virgin" of any previous PDFCreator installation:

- installing PDFCreator in server mode on the Windows XP 

Pro computer

- sharing the newly created PDFCreator printer (guet and everybody  users with all rights, just to be sure)

- I see nothing in the notification area. No new process in memory (I read here and there that a new icon should appear in the notification area)

- installing PDFCreator in normal mode on another Windows XP Pro computer

- modifying the port to point to \\\\my_first_computer\\pdfcreator

- send a test page

- ... no error ... and nothing else


Either I searched badly, either I missed something. Can anyone give a helpfull link (or explaination) to install this nice software as a shared printer ?


Just install PDFCreator once, on the "server"

You don't need (maybe this cause you a problem) to install PDF Creator on the "client".

As you do, You just have to access the printer once from the client with Start / Run then type "\\\\server\\shared_printer" and the printer should be installed automatically on the client

Then when you print, it will send this on the server's printer, using the server's configuration, and you will probably need to setup "Autosave".

You can find more informations about sharing PDFCreator in the help file -> Installation Types -> Server Installation.

Many thanks for you reply.

I will re-re-re-test it on two fresh computers. Beause previous tests lead me to have nothing working. I even had to restart the computers in order to uninstall pdfCreator (?!).

You say I don't have to install the printer on client computers. I will try this. I never use this, but it is a nice idea in this case.

If I install the printer "manually", you think it can't work at all ? This may be the cause of my unsuccess.