Since upgrading to PDF creator 1.2 I have not had very much luck printing small PDFs. Starting from a 5MB PPT with page setup to A4, to match A4 output in PDF creator (landscape) output sizes were:
3.366 MB (using all defaults)
3.414 MB (setting to to /screen, 150dpi in all PDF locations, compression to JPEG Max on color and grayscale, leave BW on default)
3.411 MB Ditto, but with no embedded fonts.
2.00 MB Ditto but also set all resampling to 75 (except BW, left on default)
2.00 MB ditto but also set monochrome to subsample at 75 dpi.
Anybody else seeing this? The test slideshow had a fair number of drawings (as objects in PPT) plus a handful of images. Not sure what the resolution of those pictures is within PPT.
I could see a tiny bit of difference in some of the greyscale images, but that was it.
Is there some way to show the size of each page in a PDF plus the size of everything not tied to a single page? That would help locate where the space is going.