PDFArchitect 9 uninstall crashes explorer.exe on Windows 10

Hello PDFArchitect community, I need help regarding Windows-Explorer crashes upon PDFArchitect 9 uninstallation process. Whenever I install PDF Creator, the installer automatically installs PDFArchitect aswell. Since I'm not gonna use this software, I want to uninstall it.

However, every time I do so after an software update for PDFCreator, the explorer.exe crashes. Worse, the explorer crashes repeatedly like every second, when I try to start it up again, without restarting the computer first.

I can work around the problem by closing all explorer.exe processes (until there is no task bar) before hitting uninstall, but that shouldn't be necessary. I guess it's a common problem, not yet documented here, since I had it happen on different computers running Windows 10.

Does anyone have the same problem or an idea on what could be the cause?

Thank you very much in advance!

In the meantime, try to avoid unwanted installation of PDF Architect.

Hello Gianni1962Pc,

thank you very much for your answer. Quick and helpful. I honestly never noticed the gear icon there. :wink:

With this information, I don't need additional help as it is a workaround to the explorer crash problem aswell as a solution to getting rid of PDF Architect by not installing it in the first place. I think though, the thread should stay open while the explorer crash problem itself is not actually solved. However, if someone can confirm this isn't a general problem, the thread should definetely be closed.

Happened on several computers with Windows 10 21H2 and now with 22H2.

Hi @EsserS

It is not a general issue as far I can tell.

We had some end users reporting issues with the automatic update of PDF Architect 8 to PDF Architect 9.

Since you don't need PDF Architect anyway, I agree that this thread can be closed.


Well, it may not be general, but it happens to me almost each time I must uninstall that crap PDF Architect....Did not notice the upper right gear to skip its install but this is definitely forcing people to install it...
First and foremost, when this explorer crash happens, 3 issues actually happen:

  1. Try to uninstall PDFArchitec: it seems to start working then fails with an msiexec error
  2. Retry the uninstall: it tells you it uninstalls, then the screen goes black, explorer fails
  3. Try to Ctrl-Alt-Del: logging out does not help. Only option is to reboot!

Create a VISIBLE options selection choice on the main setup panel or will get to some othe pdf creation tool!

Hi @phil91

We have many happy customers using PDF Architect.

Please use this tool for a proper uninstallation of PDF Architect:

Kind regards

Ich hatte das gleiche Problem mit dem Datei-Explorer von Windows. Nach der Installation von PDF-Architect 9.0 stürzt dieser ab und startet im 2 sek. Takt neu. So ist ein Arbeiten am PC nicht möglich. Ich habe den Support angeschrieben heute, mal gespannt ob eine Reaktion kommt. Und da dieses Problem ja anscheinend schon länger besteht, würde mich die Lösung interessieren. Ich zahle ja keine 129,00€ für ein Programm was meinen PC (Datei-Explorer) zum Absturz bringt und der PC somit fast nicht nutzbar ist.

J'ai rencontré le même problème ! Outre le fait que ce logiciel tente d'installer sournoisement Google Chrome, il m'a planté mon ordinateur aussitôt après l'instalation.
J'avais un écran noir alternant régulièrement avec mon écran normal, plus aucune icône dans la barre de tâches et aucune commande accessible.
La seule solution dans ce cas est de taper CTRL+MAJ+ESC puis Fichier/exécuter appwiz.cpl pour accéder à la désinstallation de pdf creator et pdf architect (que je n'ai jamais demandé).
Après cela, mon ordinateur a refonctionné normalement.