PDFCreator 1.1.0 installation throwing an error on Win7

Hi Team ,

I have downloaded the source for pdfcreator 1.1.0 and recompiling the project using Innosetup , actual source works fine but my compiled project is not working , it is throwing an error .. Could you please suggest what could be wrong ..

Note : Only thing i modify in the project file is making the system files not to overwrite ..

Install printerdriver for WinXP2k3:
 Drivername : PDFCreator
 Environment : Windows x64
 Result: Success

 Printername: PDFCreator
 Drivername : PDFCreator
 Portname   : PDFCreator:
 Result: Error 1796 = The specified port is unknown

We are having the same problem here. pdf creator installs as part of an application called FlippingBook Publisher and fails with an the same error.

This is on Windows7 32bit.

Any ideas?

Same on Win7 64bit, here.