Portrait, not Landscape


I am using a program called Articad in order to create Kitchen designs. In this program I sometimes have to rotate the design by 90 degrees in order for it’s best page layout. However, when I do this and then print to PDF Creator the finished PDF is in portrait layout. If I print the design to my normal printer it is in landscape orientation as I want. If I don’t rotate the design in Articad the finished PDF is in the correct orientation. I am using version 17.1 of PDF Creator.
I can also add that I have recently had to replace the disk in my computer and with a fresh install the version of PDF Creator is newer and I didn’t have the same problem with the older version.
Can you advise what I need to change?

I’ve, installed an older version now and it works fine.


once the new version of PDFCreator written in C# is done, there will be an option to force the rotation of the pages.

