Print from IIS-process is using wrong path to spool folder in Windows temp

I have installed PDFCreator 3.5.1 on Window 2016, replacing a Windows 2008 server with PDFCreator 1.7 installed. The application which is creating PDF's is hosted on IIS serving a Windows Communication Fondation (.svc). That part I do not know anything about, but I do not need to since it apparantly is able to print to the PDFCreator printer

What is happening is that when the application is creating the ps and inf-file it is dumped to the folder


The .ps and .inf file created in that folder is stuck there, nothing happens.

But if I from PDFCreator chooses "Print PDFCreator Test Page" I see that it creates a file in the spool folder on the following folder


Note the '2'-folder after 'temp'. Earlier today it was '3'. So that is working just fine - but why is my IIS-service using the wrong folder path to the spool folder?

Did hope I did figure out how to override it using the setting


but no, that did not do the trick either

Have also tried to import the following registry settings, this was apparantly what was needed on Win 2008, but still not have done the trick on Win 2016 with the newer version

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

















"FilenameSubstitutions"="Microsoft Word - |\.docx|\.doc|\Microsoft Excel - |\.xlsx|\.xls|\Microsoft PowerPoint - |\.pptx|\.ppt|"
"ProgramFont"="MS Sans Serif"

Stumbled over this post PDFCreator on Windows 2012 R2 and the answer to that question is

only versions up to 1.7.3 had an inbuilt “server mode”. This has been separated into a standalone service which offers a much better performance:

So it seems that the only option I have at the moment is to try to install the old 1.7.3 verison which is running on 2008 on our new 2016 servers. I really hope it will work, and then later development has to update the code implementing something a bit more up to date.


PDFCreator Server will be able to handle this properly; the desktop editions always require a user session to run in and can't handle services printing from session 0. PDFCreator 1.7.3 had an option during the installtion to force it into "server mode" but this had many downsides and is no longer recommended or supported.
If you'd like a trial for PDFCreator Server, please contact us here.

Best regards
