Réintallation impossible

Suite à un problème,j’ai voulu réinstaller PDF CREATOR et à
chaque fois que je clique sur le fichier pdfcrator setup, une première fenêtre s’affiche avec la commande “exécuter”, quand je clique sur exécuter, une nouvelle fenêtre pour le choix de la langue d’utilisation, après avoir choisi “Français”,je clique sur “OK” et là une fenêtre avec un point d’exclamation me dit"veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur pour poursuivre l’installation"
Je redémarre et rien ne change
PC sous seven pro 64bits
Merci pour vos conseils

PS: j’ai réinstallé un autre logiciel, pas de problème


It seems, that something blocks deleting the registry key “PDFCreatorRestart” in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce”.
To delete this key, run “regedit.exe” and navigate there and delete only the key “PDFCreatorRestart”.
It might be better to restart your computer after that and then run the setup again.
If this doesn’t solve the problem, please come back to us.

Best regards,


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Hello Robin,
Thank you for these very clear explanations, having deleted the key in the base) of register, I was able to reinstall with no problem at all PDF ceator.
Thank you again


Using Windows Vista and impossible as well to install "PDFCreator-3_3_0".
I did CCleaner and checked HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
where there was no key "PDFCreatorRestart"

No way to install PDFCreator at that time, could you help me ?



probably yes; I think the reason for this is Vista by default blocks all (or some) downloaded software which isn't whitelisted.
Please right clock onto the downloaded setup file and open its properties. Somewhere (probably in the "security" tab) there is a checkbox to block/unblock the execution of the file on your computer.

Best regards
