2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+05:30) 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Setup version: Inno Setup version 5.5.9 (a) 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Original Setup EXE: C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2\PDFCreator-3_2_2-Setup.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Setup command line: /SL5="$217B4,33099840,57856,C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2\PDFCreator-3_2_2-Setup.exe" /LOADINF="C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2\pdfcreator.inf" 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Windows version: 10.0.14393 (NT platform: Yes) 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 64-bit Windows: Yes 2018-07-11 17:58:23.228 Processor architecture: x64 2018-07-11 17:58:23.229 User privileges: Administrative 2018-07-11 17:58:23.237 64-bit install mode: Yes 2018-07-11 17:58:23.244 Created temporary directory: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp 2018-07-11 17:58:23.252 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\idp.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:23.310 --- Systeminformation - Start --- 2018-07-11 17:58:23.310 Windowsversion: 10.00.14393 2018-07-11 17:58:23.310 WinDir: C:\WINDOWS 2018-07-11 17:58:23.326 InternetConnection: true (RAS INSTALLED) 2018-07-11 17:58:23.326 .Net 4.5.1: true 2018-07-11 17:58:23.326 SystemDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 TempDir: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\ 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 CurrentDir: C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 UILanguage: 1033 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 Internet Explorer version: 9.11.14393.0 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wbem\framedyn.dll" found: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wbem\framedyn.dll" found in path: true 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 --- Systeminformation - End --- 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 --- Environment - Start --- 2018-07-11 17:58:23.327 =C:=C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2 ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData APPDATA=C:\Users\AppData\Roaming InstallationDate=20180405-19:02:40 InstallationMethod=FullMedia OsBuildversion=10.1607.0.2 SiteCode=BM1 TattooScriptVersion=1.4.3 TSID=INMEM_TS TSName=TS-Deploy-Windows 10-CBB-1607-x64-USB v1.0.2 CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=INL075475 ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe FPS_BROWSER_APP_PROFILE_STRING=Internet Explorer FPS_BROWSER_USER_PROFILE_STRING=Default HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\ LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER=\\FRMA710 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=4 OneDrive=C:\Documents\OneDrive - HCL Technologies Ltd OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Sennheiser\SoftphoneSDK\;C:\Program Files (x86)\WebEx\Productivity Tools;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432=AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel PROCESSOR_LEVEL=6 PROCESSOR_REVISION=8e09 ProgramData=C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files PROMPT=$P$G PSModulePath=C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Configuration Manager\Console\bin\i386 SystemDrive=C: SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS TEMP=C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp TMP=C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp UATDATA=C:\WINDOWS\CCM\UATData\D9F8C395-CAB8-491d-B8AC-179A1FE1BE77 USERDNSDOMAIN=CORP.INTERNAL USERDOMAIN=CORP USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=CORP USERNAME= USERPROFILE=C:\Users windir=C:\WINDOWS 2018-07-11 17:58:23.328 --- Environment - End --- 2018-07-11 17:58:23.328 ----- Setup - Parameters ----- 2018-07-11 17:58:23.328 Compiler version: 05050900 2018-07-11 17:58:23.328 Install PDFCreator: 2018-07-11 17:58:23.336 dialogFontName: Segeo UI 2018-07-11 17:58:23.337 Installed .Net versions: 2.0SP2,3.0SP2,3.5SP1,4Client,4Full,4.5,4.5.1,4.5.2,4.6,4.6.1 2018-07-11 17:58:23.337 PDFCreator server: not installed 2018-07-11 17:58:23.337 InstallerDirectory: C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2 2018-07-11 17:58:23.337 Installed PDFCreator version: 0.0.0 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 ProgramIsRunning: Start 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Program name: PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 ProgramIsRunning: Finish 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Start AnalyzeCommandlineParametersInstallation 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /VERYSILENT: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /SILENT: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /FORCEINSTALL: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /REMOVEOPTIONS: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /DONTINSTALLPRINTERS: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /EXPERT: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /PACKAGEAWARE: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Parameter /LoadInf: C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2\pdfcreator.inf 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 No parameter /SaveInf 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 No parameter /REGFile 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 No parameter /PPDFile 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 No parameter /Printername 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 No parameter /PDFArchitectLicenseKey 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 End AnalyzeCommandlineParametersInstallation 2018-07-11 17:58:23.339 Silent installation: false 2018-07-11 17:58:23.359 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\DownloadUpdateInfo.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:28.320 uiOP:6;0.1 2018-07-11 17:58:28.320 lV:3.2.2 2018-07-11 17:58:28.321 GUITS (30000, 50): 40 2018-07-11 17:58:28.321 Update: 0 2018-07-11 17:58:28.322 Installed PDFCreator version is lower 1.5.1 = true 2018-07-11 17:58:28.322 nationCode: 244 2018-07-11 17:58:28.324 InstallPDFCreatorPrinter: true 2018-07-11 17:58:28.324 Load inf file: C:\Temp\PDF Creator 3.2.2\pdfcreator.inf 2018-07-11 17:58:28.325 Section: Setup, Key: Printername; Value: PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:28.326 Section: PDFArchitect, Key: LicenseKey doesn't exist! 2018-07-11 17:58:28.326 Section: Setup, Key: Tasks; Value: desktopicon,desktopicon\common,winexplorer 2018-07-11 17:58:28.326 Finished loading inf file. 2018-07-11 17:58:28.410 OS: 6 2018-07-11 17:58:28.425 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\PDFArchitectAd2_English.bmp 2018-07-11 17:58:31.522 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\pdfarchitect4.bmp 2018-07-11 17:58:31.523 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\pdfarchitect4_business_screenshot.bmp 2018-07-11 17:58:50.131 Starting the installation process. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.138 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:50.140 Directory for uninstall files: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:50.141 Creating new uninstall log: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\unins000.dat 2018-07-11 17:58:50.145 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.146 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\unins000.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.146 Non-default bitness: 32-bit 2018-07-11 17:58:50.150 Time stamp of our file: 2018-07-11 17:58:23.075 2018-07-11 17:58:50.150 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.155 Uninstaller requires administrator: Yes 2018-07-11 17:58:50.159 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.170 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.179 Dest filename: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\DownloadUpdateInfo.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.180 Time stamp of our file: 2015-11-24 10:26:54.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.180 Dest file exists. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.181 Time stamp of existing file: 2015-11-24 10:26:54.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.181 Version of our file: 2018-07-11 17:58:50.181 Version of existing file: 2018-07-11 17:58:50.181 Same version. Skipping. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.182 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.183 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin\gswin32c.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.183 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 17:24:16.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.183 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.184 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript 2018-07-11 17:58:50.184 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin 2018-07-11 17:58:50.201 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.202 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.202 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin\gsdll32.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.203 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 17:24:14.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.203 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.915 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.916 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.916 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin\gsdll32.lib 2018-07-11 17:58:50.916 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 17:24:14.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.916 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.919 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.919 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.919 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.919 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.919 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.926 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.927 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.927 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SetupHelper.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.928 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.928 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.932 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.933 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.933 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\ErrorReport.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:50.933 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:54.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.933 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.937 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.938 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.938 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\DataStorage.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.938 Time stamp of our file: 2017-11-30 16:53:18.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.938 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.942 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.943 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.943 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Dropbox.Api.Net40.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.943 Time stamp of our file: 2016-09-08 16:56:12.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.943 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.980 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.980 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.980 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Dropbox.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.980 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.980 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.983 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.984 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.984 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\ftplib.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.984 Time stamp of our file: 2015-11-17 14:48:58.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.984 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.988 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.988 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.988 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\GongSolutions.WPF.DragDrop.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.989 Time stamp of our file: 2017-08-22 18:03:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.989 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.994 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:50.995 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:50.995 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\HtmlAgilityPack.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:50.995 Time stamp of our file: 2016-07-14 11:01:16.000 2018-07-11 17:58:50.995 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.004 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.005 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.005 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\ITextProcessing.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.005 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.005 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.009 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.009 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.009 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\LicenseValidator.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.009 Time stamp of our file: 2018-02-08 14:36:48.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.009 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.014 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.015 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.015 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\LicenseValidator.Interface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.015 Time stamp of our file: 2018-02-08 14:36:48.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.015 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.019 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.019 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.021 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\MahApps.Metro.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.021 Time stamp of our file: 2017-04-13 21:21:12.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.021 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.061 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.061 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.062 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.062 Time stamp of our file: 2017-07-07 00:39:20.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.062 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.067 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.067 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.068 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.068 Time stamp of our file: 2014-05-05 11:25:44.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.068 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.072 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.072 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.072 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.072 Time stamp of our file: 2015-06-22 11:06:54.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.072 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.101 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.102 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.103 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\NGettext.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.103 Time stamp of our file: 2016-07-26 01:10:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.104 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.109 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.109 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.109 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\NLog.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.109 Time stamp of our file: 2015-12-21 00:17:20.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.109 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.132 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.133 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.134 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Obsidian.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.134 Time stamp of our file: 2018-01-17 17:35:20.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.134 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.138 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.139 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.139 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Optional.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.139 Time stamp of our file: 2016-12-08 15:14:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.139 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.143 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.143 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.144 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Actions.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.144 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.144 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.149 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.149 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.149 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.ActionsInterface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.150 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.150 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.153 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.153 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.153 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.COM.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.153 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:52.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.153 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.158 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.158 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.158 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.ComImplementation.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.159 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:52.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.159 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.164 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.164 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.166 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Communication.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.166 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:38.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.166 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.169 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.169 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.169 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.ComWrapper.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.170 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.170 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.173 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.173 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.174 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Controller.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.174 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:42.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.174 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.293 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.294 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.296 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.ConverterInterface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.296 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.296 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.300 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.300 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.300 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.DirectConversion.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.301 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:42.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.301 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.304 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.304 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.305 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.EditionBase.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.305 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:48.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.305 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.310 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.310 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.311 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Ghostscript.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.311 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.311 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.499 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.499 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.500 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Interactions.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.500 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.500 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.505 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.505 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.506 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Jobs.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.506 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.506 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.512 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.513 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.513 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Presentation.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.513 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:46.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.513 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.565 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.565 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.565 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Printing.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.566 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.566 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.570 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.571 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.571 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Services.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.571 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.571 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.577 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.577 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.578 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Settings.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.579 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:38.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.579 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.588 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.588 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.589 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.SettingsManagement.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.589 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.589 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.594 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.594 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.594 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Startup.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.595 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:46.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.595 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.602 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.603 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.603 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.StartupInterface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.604 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:38.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.604 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.622 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.622 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.623 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Utilities.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.623 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:38.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.623 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.631 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.631 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.631 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.Workflow.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.632 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.632 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.637 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.637 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.638 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\pdfforge.Communication.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.638 Time stamp of our file: 2016-12-13 12:39:46.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.638 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.643 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.643 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.644 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\pdfforge.Mail.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.644 Time stamp of our file: 2017-11-15 18:37:36.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.644 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.648 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.649 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.649 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PdfProcessingInterface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.649 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:40.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.649 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.653 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.653 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.654 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Prism.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.654 Time stamp of our file: 2017-03-24 19:34:02.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.654 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.659 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.659 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.659 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Prism.Wpf.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.660 Time stamp of our file: 2017-03-24 19:34:02.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.660 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.670 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.670 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.671 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PropertyChanged.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.671 Time stamp of our file: 2017-04-22 13:43:28.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.671 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.674 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.674 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.675 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PsParser.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.676 Time stamp of our file: 2017-06-21 12:35:34.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.676 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.682 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.682 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.683 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SimpleInjector.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.684 Time stamp of our file: 2016-12-02 09:03:54.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.684 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.702 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.702 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.703 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\System.Net.Http.Extensions.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.703 Time stamp of our file: 2015-02-19 21:10:46.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.703 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.707 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.707 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.708 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\System.Net.Http.Primitives.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.708 Time stamp of our file: 2015-02-19 21:10:46.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.708 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.711 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.712 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.713 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\System.Windows.Interactivity.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.713 Time stamp of our file: 2017-04-13 21:21:14.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.713 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.718 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.718 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.719 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SystemInterface.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.719 Time stamp of our file: 2016-06-20 15:28:30.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.719 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.724 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.724 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.724 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SystemWrapper.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.725 Time stamp of our file: 2016-06-20 15:28:30.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.725 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.731 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.731 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.732 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Tartaros.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.732 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:52:00.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.732 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.736 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.736 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.736 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\ToastNotifications.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.737 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-19 21:59:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.737 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.742 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.743 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.743 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\ToastNotifications.Messages.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.743 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-19 21:59:52.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.743 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.749 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.749 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.749 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Translatable.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.750 Time stamp of our file: 2017-07-11 07:27:24.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.750 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.755 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.755 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.756 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Translatable.NGettext.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.756 Time stamp of our file: 2017-07-11 07:27:24.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.756 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.760 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.760 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.761 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\TrueTypeFontInfo.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:51.761 Time stamp of our file: 2015-11-18 11:39:16.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.761 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.786 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:51.787 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:51.788 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PrinterHelper.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:51.789 Time stamp of our file: 2018-01-12 11:20:16.000 2018-07-11 17:58:51.789 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.000 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.000 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.000 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreatorShell.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:52.000 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-19 16:20:42.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.000 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.011 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.012 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.012 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\RepairFolderPermissions.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:52.013 Time stamp of our file: 2015-11-24 11:53:58.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.013 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.017 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.018 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.018 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ca\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.019 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.019 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.019 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages 2018-07-11 17:58:52.019 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ca 2018-07-11 17:58:52.020 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ca\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.028 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.028 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.028 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\co-FR\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.029 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.029 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.029 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\co-FR 2018-07-11 17:58:52.030 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\co-FR\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.039 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.039 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.040 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\cs\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.040 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.040 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.040 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.041 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\cs\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.047 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.048 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.048 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\da\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.048 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.048 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.048 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\da 2018-07-11 17:58:52.049 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\da\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.055 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.055 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.056 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\de\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.056 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.056 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.056 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\de 2018-07-11 17:58:52.057 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\de\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.063 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.063 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.064 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\el\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.064 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.064 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.065 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\el 2018-07-11 17:58:52.065 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\el\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.071 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.072 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.072 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\es\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.072 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.072 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.072 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\es 2018-07-11 17:58:52.073 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\es\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.080 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.081 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.082 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fa\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.083 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.083 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.083 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fa 2018-07-11 17:58:52.083 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fa\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.090 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.090 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.090 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fi\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.091 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.091 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.091 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fi 2018-07-11 17:58:52.091 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fi\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.099 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.100 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.101 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fr\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.102 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.102 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.102 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fr 2018-07-11 17:58:52.102 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\fr\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.109 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.109 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.109 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ga\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.110 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.110 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.110 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ga 2018-07-11 17:58:52.110 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ga\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.118 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.118 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.119 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\it\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.119 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.119 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.119 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\it 2018-07-11 17:58:52.119 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\it\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.125 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.125 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.125 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\lt\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.126 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.126 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.126 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\lt 2018-07-11 17:58:52.127 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\lt\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.133 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.133 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.134 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\nl\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.134 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.134 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.134 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\nl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.135 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\nl\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pl\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.140 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.141 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pl\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.147 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.147 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.148 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pt-BR\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.148 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.148 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.148 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pt-BR 2018-07-11 17:58:52.148 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\pt-BR\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.154 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.154 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.155 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ro\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.155 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.155 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.155 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ro 2018-07-11 17:58:52.155 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ro\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.162 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.162 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.163 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ru\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.163 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.163 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.163 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ru 2018-07-11 17:58:52.164 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\ru\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.170 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.170 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.170 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sk\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.170 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.170 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.171 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sk 2018-07-11 17:58:52.171 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sk\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.177 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.177 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.177 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sl\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.178 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.178 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.178 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.178 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sl\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.185 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.185 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.186 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sv\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.186 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.186 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.186 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sv 2018-07-11 17:58:52.186 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\sv\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.193 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.193 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.193 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANS\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.194 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:56.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.194 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.194 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANS 2018-07-11 17:58:52.194 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANS\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.201 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.201 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.201 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANT\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo 2018-07-11 17:58:52.201 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 17:18:58.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.201 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.202 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANT 2018-07-11 17:58:52.202 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\zh-HANT\LC_MESSAGES 2018-07-11 17:58:52.207 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.207 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.208 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\innosetup.pot 2018-07-11 17:58:52.208 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.208 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.210 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.210 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.210 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Languages\messages.pot 2018-07-11 17:58:52.211 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.211 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.214 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.215 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.215 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator_english.chm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.215 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 09:18:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.215 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.231 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.231 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.231 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator_german.chm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.232 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-21 09:18:50.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.232 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.247 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.247 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.247 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm.sln 2018-07-11 17:58:52.247 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.247 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.248 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts 2018-07-11 17:58:52.248 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net 2018-07-11 17:58:52.249 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.253 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.253 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.254 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\app.config 2018-07-11 17:58:52.254 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.254 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.254 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.258 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.258 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.258 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm.csproj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.259 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.259 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.261 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.261 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.261 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.261 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.262 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.265 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.265 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.265 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.Designer.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.265 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.265 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.269 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.269 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.269 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.resx 2018-07-11 17:58:52.269 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.269 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.271 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.272 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.272 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Program.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.272 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.272 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.274 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.275 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.275 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.275 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.275 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.275 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.282 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.283 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.283 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.283 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.283 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.288 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.288 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.289 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.289 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.289 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.289 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties 2018-07-11 17:58:52.293 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.293 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.293 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.293 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.293 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.296 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.297 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.297 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties\Resources.resx 2018-07-11 17:58:52.297 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.297 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.316 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.316 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.317 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.317 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.317 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.319 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.319 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.320 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C#.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Properties\Settings.settings 2018-07-11 17:58:52.320 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.320 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.322 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.322 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.323 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest.sln 2018-07-11 17:58:52.323 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.323 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.323 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++ 2018-07-11 17:58:52.323 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest 2018-07-11 17:58:52.328 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.328 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.328 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest.cpp 2018-07-11 17:58:52.329 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.329 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.329 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest 2018-07-11 17:58:52.333 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.333 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.334 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest.vcxproj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.335 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.335 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.337 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.337 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.337 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest.vcxproj.filters 2018-07-11 17:58:52.338 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.338 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.340 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.340 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.341 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\ReadMe.txt 2018-07-11 17:58:52.341 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.341 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.343 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.343 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.343 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\stdafx.cpp 2018-07-11 17:58:52.344 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.344 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.346 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.347 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.348 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\stdafx.h 2018-07-11 17:58:52.348 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.348 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.350 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.350 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.350 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\CppCOMTest\targetver.h 2018-07-11 17:58:52.351 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.351 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.352 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.353 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.353 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.353 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.353 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.353 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.358 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.358 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.359 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\C++\CppCOMTest\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.359 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.359 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.362 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.362 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.362 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\GetPrinterDevices.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.363 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.363 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.363 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts 2018-07-11 17:58:52.364 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics 2018-07-11 17:58:52.368 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.368 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.369 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\MergedFiles2Tif.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.369 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.369 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.371 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.371 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.372 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\MultipleFiles2Tif.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.372 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.372 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.374 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.374 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.375 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\TestPage2JPG.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.375 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.375 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.377 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.377 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.378 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\TestPage2PDF.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.378 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.378 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.381 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.381 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.382 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\TestPage2Tif.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.382 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.382 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.384 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.384 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.385 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\Basics\TestPageMergeTarget.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.385 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.385 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.387 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.387 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.388 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\AttachmentPage.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.388 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.388 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.388 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To 2018-07-11 17:58:52.392 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.392 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.392 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\AttachmentPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.393 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.393 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.396 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.396 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.397 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\BackgroundPage.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.397 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.397 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.399 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.399 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.400 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.400 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.400 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.402 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.403 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.403 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\ChangeOutputFormat.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.403 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.403 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.405 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.405 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.406 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\ConvertFileAsync.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.406 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.406 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.408 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.408 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.408 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\CoverPage.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.409 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.409 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.410 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.411 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.411 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.411 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.411 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.415 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.415 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.415 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\EmailClient.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.415 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.415 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.417 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.418 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.418 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\EmailSmtp.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.418 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.418 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.420 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.420 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.420 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\JpegSettings.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.421 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.421 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.422 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.423 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.423 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\MergeAllJobs.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.423 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.423 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.425 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.426 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.426 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\PdfSecuritySettings.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.426 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.426 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.429 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.429 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.429 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\JS Scripts\How To\PdfSignatureSettings.js 2018-07-11 17:58:52.430 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.430 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\BackgroundPage.pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.432 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.437 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.437 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.437 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\CoverPage.pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.438 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.438 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.439 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.440 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.440 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\JpegSettings.pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.441 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.441 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.442 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.443 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.443 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\MergedMultipleFiles2Tif.pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.443 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.443 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.447 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.447 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.447 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\TestPage2PDF.pl 2018-07-11 17:58:52.447 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.447 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.449 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.449 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.450 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.450 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.450 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.450 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.454 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.454 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.455 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Perl\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.455 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.455 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.458 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.458 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.460 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\BackgroundPage.py 2018-07-11 17:58:52.460 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.460 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.460 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python 2018-07-11 17:58:52.464 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.464 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.465 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\CoverPage.py 2018-07-11 17:58:52.465 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.465 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.467 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.467 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.467 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\JpegSettings.py 2018-07-11 17:58:52.468 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.468 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.469 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.470 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.470 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\MergedMultipleFiles2Tif.py 2018-07-11 17:58:52.470 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.470 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.472 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.473 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.473 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\TestPage2PDF.py 2018-07-11 17:58:52.473 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.473 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.475 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.475 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.476 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.476 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.476 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.476 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.480 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.481 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.481 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Python\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.481 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.481 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.484 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.484 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.484 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\BackgroundPage.rb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.485 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.485 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.485 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby 2018-07-11 17:58:52.488 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.488 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.489 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\CoverPage.rb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.489 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.489 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.491 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.491 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.491 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\JpegSettings.rb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.491 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.491 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.493 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.493 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.494 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\MergedMultipleFiles2Tif.rb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.494 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.494 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.497 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.497 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.497 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\TestPage2PDF.rb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.498 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.498 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.499 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.500 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.500 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.500 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.500 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.500 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.504 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.504 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.505 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Ruby\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.505 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.505 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.508 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.508 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.508 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm.sln 2018-07-11 17:58:52.509 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.509 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.509 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net 2018-07-11 17:58:52.509 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.513 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.514 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.514 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\app.config 2018-07-11 17:58:52.514 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.514 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.515 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.518 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.518 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.519 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm.vbproj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.519 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.519 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.521 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.521 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.522 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.Designer.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.522 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.522 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.524 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.525 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.525 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.resx 2018-07-11 17:58:52.525 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.525 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.527 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.527 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.528 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\Form1.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.528 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.528 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.533 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.534 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.534 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.535 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.535 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.535 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.539 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.539 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.540 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.540 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.540 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.543 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.543 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.543 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Application.Designer.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.543 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.543 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.544 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project 2018-07-11 17:58:52.548 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.548 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.549 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Application.myapp 2018-07-11 17:58:52.549 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.549 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.551 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.552 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.552 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.552 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.552 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.555 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.555 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.555 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Resources.Designer.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.555 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.555 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.558 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.558 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.558 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Resources.resx 2018-07-11 17:58:52.558 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.558 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.560 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.560 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.561 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Settings.Designer.vb 2018-07-11 17:58:52.561 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.561 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.564 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.564 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.564 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB.Net\COM_TestForm\COM_TestForm\My Project\Settings.settings 2018-07-11 17:58:52.564 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.564 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.567 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.568 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.569 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\COM_TestForm.frm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.569 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.569 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.570 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6 2018-07-11 17:58:52.570 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest 2018-07-11 17:58:52.574 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.574 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.575 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\Projekt1.vbp 2018-07-11 17:58:52.575 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.575 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.577 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.577 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.577 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\Projekt1.vbw 2018-07-11 17:58:52.578 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.578 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.580 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.581 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.581 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\Readme.txt 2018-07-11 17:58:52.581 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.582 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.584 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.585 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.585 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.585 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.585 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.586 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.589 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.590 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.590 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VB6\VB6_COMTest\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.590 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.590 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.594 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.594 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.595 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\BackgroundPage.vbs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.595 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.595 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.595 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript 2018-07-11 17:58:52.598 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.600 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.601 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\CoverPage.vbs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.602 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.602 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.604 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.605 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.605 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\JpegSettings.vbs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.606 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.606 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.608 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.609 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.609 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\MergedMultipleFiles2Tif.vbs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.609 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.610 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.618 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.622 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.623 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\TestPage2PDF.vbs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.624 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.624 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.626 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.627 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.627 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.628 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.628 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.628 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.633 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.633 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.634 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\VBScript\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.634 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.634 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.638 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.638 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.639 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Word - VBA\Testpage2PDF.docm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.639 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.639 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.639 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Word - VBA 2018-07-11 17:58:52.645 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.645 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.646 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Word - VBA\FilesForTests\BackgroundPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.646 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.646 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.646 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Word - VBA\FilesForTests 2018-07-11 17:58:52.650 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.650 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.650 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\COM Scripts\Word - VBA\FilesForTests\CoverPage.pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.651 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.651 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.653 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.653 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.654 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cidfmap 2018-07-11 17:58:52.654 Time stamp of our file: 2017-12-11 11:15:18.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.654 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.654 Creating directory: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib 2018-07-11 17:58:52.657 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.657 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.658 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\dvipdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.658 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.658 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.660 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.660 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.661 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\eps2eps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.661 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.661 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.663 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.663 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.664 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\FAPIconfig-FCO 2018-07-11 17:58:52.664 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.664 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.666 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.667 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.667 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\FCOfontmap-PCLPS3 2018-07-11 17:58:52.667 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.667 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.670 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.670 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.670 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\FCOfontmap-PS3 2018-07-11 17:58:52.670 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.670 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.673 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.673 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.673 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsbj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.673 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.673 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.676 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.676 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.676 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsdj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.677 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.677 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.679 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.679 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.680 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsdj500 2018-07-11 17:58:52.680 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.680 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.682 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.682 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.682 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gslj 2018-07-11 17:58:52.682 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.682 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.684 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.685 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.685 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gslp 2018-07-11 17:58:52.685 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.685 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.687 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.687 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.687 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsnd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.687 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.687 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.689 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.690 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.691 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2dsc 2018-07-11 17:58:52.691 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.691 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.693 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.693 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.694 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.694 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.694 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.697 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.697 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.697 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pf2afm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.698 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.698 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.699 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.700 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.700 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pfbtopfa 2018-07-11 17:58:52.700 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.700 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.702 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.702 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.702 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pphs 2018-07-11 17:58:52.703 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.703 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.705 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.705 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.706 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\printafm 2018-07-11 17:58:52.706 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.706 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.708 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.708 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.708 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ascii 2018-07-11 17:58:52.708 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.708 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.710 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.710 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.711 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2epsi 2018-07-11 17:58:52.711 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.711 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.714 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.714 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.714 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.715 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.715 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.717 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.717 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.717 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf12 2018-07-11 17:58:52.717 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.717 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.719 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.719 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.720 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf13 2018-07-11 17:58:52.721 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.721 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.723 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.723 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.723 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf14 2018-07-11 17:58:52.724 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.724 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.726 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.726 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.726 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdfwr 2018-07-11 17:58:52.726 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.726 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.728 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.728 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.729 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.729 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.729 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.731 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.731 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.732 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps2 2018-07-11 17:58:52.732 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.732 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.734 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.734 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.734 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\rinkj-2200-setup 2018-07-11 17:58:52.735 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.735 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.737 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.737 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.737 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.ATB 2018-07-11 17:58:52.737 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.737 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.739 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.740 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.740 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.ATM 2018-07-11 17:58:52.740 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.740 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.742 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.742 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.743 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\afmdiff.awk 2018-07-11 17:58:52.743 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.743 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.746 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.746 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.746 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\eps2eps.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.747 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.747 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.749 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.749 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.749 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsbj.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.749 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.749 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.751 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.751 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.752 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsdj.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.752 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.752 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.754 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.754 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.755 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsdj500.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.755 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.755 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.757 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.757 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.757 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gslj.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.757 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.757 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.760 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.760 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.760 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gslp.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.761 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.761 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.763 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.763 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.764 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsnd.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.764 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.764 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.766 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.766 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.766 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsndt.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.766 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.766 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.769 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.769 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.769 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gssetgs.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.770 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.770 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.772 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.772 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.773 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gssetgs32.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.773 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.773 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.775 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.775 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.776 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gssetgs64.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.776 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.776 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.778 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.778 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.779 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gst.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.779 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.779 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.781 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.781 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.782 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gstt.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.782 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.782 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.783 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.784 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.784 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lp386.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.785 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.785 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.787 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.788 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.788 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lp386r2.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.788 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.788 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.790 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.791 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.791 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lpgs.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.791 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.791 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.794 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.794 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.794 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lpr2.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.795 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.795 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.797 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.797 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.798 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2dsc.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.798 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.798 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.800 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.800 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.801 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2ps.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.801 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.801 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.803 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.803 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.804 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pf2afm.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.804 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.804 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.806 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.806 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.806 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pfbtopfa.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.807 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.807 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.809 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.809 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.810 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ascii.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.810 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.810 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.815 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.815 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.816 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2epsi.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.816 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.816 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.818 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.818 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.818 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.818 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.818 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.820 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.820 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.821 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf12.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.821 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.821 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.823 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.823 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.823 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf13.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.823 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.823 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.825 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.826 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.826 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf14.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.826 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.826 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.828 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.828 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.829 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdfxx.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.829 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.829 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.831 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.832 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.832 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.832 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.832 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.834 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.834 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.835 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps2.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.835 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.835 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.837 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.837 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.837 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\wmakebat.bat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.837 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.837 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.839 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.839 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.840 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ghostpdf.cat 2018-07-11 17:58:52.840 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.840 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.842 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.842 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.842 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\eps2eps.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.843 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.843 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.845 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.845 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.847 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2ps.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.847 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.847 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.849 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.850 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.850 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pf2afm.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.850 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.850 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.853 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.853 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.854 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ascii.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.854 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.854 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.856 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.856 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.857 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2epsi.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.857 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.857 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.859 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.859 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.859 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.860 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.860 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.861 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.861 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.863 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf12.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.863 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.863 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.865 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.865 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.866 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf13.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.866 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.866 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.868 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.868 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.868 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2pdf14.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.868 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.868 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.870 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.870 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.871 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.871 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.871 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.873 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.873 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.873 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ps2.cmd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.873 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.873 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.875 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.875 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.876 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ghostpdf.inf 2018-07-11 17:58:52.876 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.876 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.878 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.878 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.879 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.OS2 2018-07-11 17:58:52.879 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.879 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.882 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.882 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.882 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.OSF 2018-07-11 17:58:52.883 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.883 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.885 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.885 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.885 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Info-macos.plist 2018-07-11 17:58:52.886 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.886 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.888 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.888 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.888 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cbjc600.ppd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.889 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.889 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.891 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.891 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.892 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cbjc800.ppd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.892 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.892 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.894 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.894 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.895 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ghostpdf.ppd 2018-07-11 17:58:52.896 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.896 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.899 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.899 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.899 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\acctest.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.900 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.900 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.901 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.902 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.902 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\align.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.902 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.902 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.904 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.904 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.905 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\caption.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.905 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.905 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.907 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.907 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.907 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cat.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.907 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.907 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.910 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.910 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.911 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cid2code.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.911 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.911 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.914 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.914 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.914 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\docie.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.915 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.915 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.917 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.917 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.917 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\font2pcl.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.917 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.917 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.920 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.920 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.920 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gslp.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.921 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.921 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.923 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.923 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.924 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gsnup.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.924 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.924 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.926 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.926 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.926 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_ce_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.927 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.927 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.929 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.929 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.929 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_cmdl.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.930 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.930 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.932 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.932 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.932 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_il2_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.932 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.932 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.935 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.935 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.935 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_kanji.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.935 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.935 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.937 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.938 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.938 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_ksb_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.938 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.938 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.940 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.940 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.941 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_lgo_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.941 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.941 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.943 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.943 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.943 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_lgx_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.943 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.944 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.946 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.947 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.947 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_wl1_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.947 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.947 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.949 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.949 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.950 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_wl2_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.950 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.950 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.952 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.952 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.952 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_wl5_e.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.952 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.952 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.954 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.955 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.956 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ht_ccsto.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.956 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.956 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.970 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.970 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.972 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\image-qa.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.972 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.972 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.975 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.975 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.976 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\jispaper.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.976 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.976 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.978 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.978 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.979 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\jobseparator.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.979 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.979 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.981 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.981 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.982 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\landscap.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.982 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.982 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.984 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.985 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.985 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lines.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.985 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.985 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.988 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.988 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.989 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\mkcidfm.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.989 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.989 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.992 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.992 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.993 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pdf2dsc.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.993 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.993 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.996 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.996 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:52.997 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\PDFA_def.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:52.997 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:52.997 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:52.999 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.000 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.000 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\PDFX_def.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.000 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.000 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.002 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.003 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.003 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pf2afm.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.004 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.004 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.006 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.006 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.007 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pfbtopfa.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.007 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.007 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.009 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.009 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.009 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ppath.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.009 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.009 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.011 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.011 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.012 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\pphs.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.012 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.012 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.015 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.015 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.016 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\prfont.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.016 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.016 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.018 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.018 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.018 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\printafm.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.019 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.019 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.021 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.021 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.021 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2ai.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.021 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.021 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.024 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.024 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.025 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ps2epsi.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.025 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.025 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.027 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.027 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.028 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\rollconv.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.028 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.028 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.031 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.031 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.031 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stcinfo.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.031 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.031 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.034 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.035 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.036 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stcolor.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.036 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.036 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.038 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.038 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.039 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stocht.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.039 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.039 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.041 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.041 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.041 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\traceimg.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.042 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.042 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.043 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.044 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.044 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\traceop.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.044 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.044 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.047 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.047 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.048 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\uninfo.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.048 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.048 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.050 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.050 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.050 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewcmyk.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.051 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.051 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.053 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.053 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.053 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewgif.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.053 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.053 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.055 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.056 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.056 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewjpeg.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.056 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.056 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.058 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.058 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.059 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewmiff.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.059 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.059 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.061 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.061 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.061 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewpbm.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.061 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.061 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.064 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.064 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.065 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewpcx.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.065 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.065 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.067 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.067 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.068 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewps2a.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.068 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.068 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.070 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.070 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.070 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewraw.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.070 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.071 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.073 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.073 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.073 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\viewrgb.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.074 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.074 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.076 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.076 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.076 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\winmaps.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.076 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.077 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.079 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.079 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.079 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\zeroline.ps 2018-07-11 17:58:53.080 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.080 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.082 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.082 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.083 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ghostpdf.README 2018-07-11 17:58:53.083 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.083 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.085 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.085 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.085 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8.rpd 2018-07-11 17:58:53.085 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.085 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.087 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.087 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.088 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.SGI 2018-07-11 17:58:53.088 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.088 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.090 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.090 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.091 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\lprsetup.sh 2018-07-11 17:58:53.091 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.091 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.093 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.093 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.094 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\unix-lpr.sh 2018-07-11 17:58:53.094 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.094 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.098 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.098 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.100 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.Sol 2018-07-11 17:58:53.100 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.100 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.104 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.104 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.105 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.URW-136.T1 2018-07-11 17:58:53.105 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.105 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.108 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.108 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.108 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.URW-136.TT 2018-07-11 17:58:53.108 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.108 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.111 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.111 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.111 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.Ult 2018-07-11 17:58:53.112 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.112 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.115 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.115 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.115 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8gc12f.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.116 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.116 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.118 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.118 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.118 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8hg12f.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.119 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.119 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.121 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.121 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.122 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8oh06n.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.122 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.122 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.124 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.124 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.124 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8pa06n.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.125 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.125 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.127 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.127 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.128 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8pp12f.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.128 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.128 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.131 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.131 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.132 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bj8ts06n.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.132 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.132 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.134 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.135 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.135 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a0.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.135 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.135 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.138 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.138 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.139 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a1.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.139 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.139 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.141 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.142 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.142 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a2.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.142 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.142 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.145 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.145 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.146 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a3.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.147 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.147 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.149 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.149 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.150 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a4.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.150 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.150 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.153 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.153 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.153 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a5.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.154 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.154 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.156 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.157 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.157 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a6.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.157 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.157 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.159 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.159 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.160 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a7.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.160 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.160 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.163 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.163 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.164 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610a8.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.164 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.164 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.166 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.166 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.166 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b1.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.167 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.167 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.168 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.169 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.169 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b2.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.169 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.169 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.171 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.171 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.172 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b3.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.172 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.172 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.174 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.174 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.174 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b4.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.175 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.175 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.177 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.177 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.177 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b6.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.178 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.178 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.180 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.180 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.181 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b7.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.181 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.181 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.183 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.183 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.184 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\bjc610b8.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.184 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.184 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.186 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.186 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.186 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cdj550.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.186 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.186 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.188 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.189 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.189 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cdj690.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.189 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.189 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.192 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.192 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.193 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\cdj690ec.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.193 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.193 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.195 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.195 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.196 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\dnj750c.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.196 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.196 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.198 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.198 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.199 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\dnj750m.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.199 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.199 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.201 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.201 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.201 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\necp2x.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.201 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.201 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.203 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.203 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.204 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\necp2x6.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.204 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.204 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.206 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.206 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.206 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras1.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.206 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.206 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.209 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.209 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.209 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras24.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.209 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.209 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.212 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.212 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.213 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras3.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.213 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.213 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.215 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.215 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.216 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras32.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.216 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.216 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.218 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.218 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.218 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras4.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.218 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.218 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.220 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.220 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.221 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\ras8m.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.221 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.221 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.223 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.223 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.224 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640ih.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.224 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.224 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.226 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.226 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.226 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640ihg.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.227 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.227 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.229 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.229 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.230 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640p.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.230 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.230 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.232 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.232 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.232 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640pg.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.232 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.232 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.234 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.234 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.235 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640pl.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.235 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.235 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.237 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.237 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.239 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\st640plg.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.239 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.239 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.242 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.242 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.243 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.243 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.243 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.245 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.246 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.246 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc1520h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.246 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.246 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.248 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.249 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.249 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc2.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.249 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.249 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.251 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.252 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.253 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc200_h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.254 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.254 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.256 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.256 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.257 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc2s_h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.257 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.257 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.259 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.259 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.259 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc2_h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.259 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.259 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.261 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.261 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.262 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc300.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.262 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.262 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.264 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.265 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.265 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc300bl.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.265 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.265 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.267 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.267 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.268 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc300bm.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.269 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.269 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.270 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.271 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.271 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc500p.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.271 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.271 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.273 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.273 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.274 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc500ph.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.274 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.274 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.276 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.276 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.276 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc600ih.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.277 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.277 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.279 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.279 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.279 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc600p.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.280 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.280 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.282 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.282 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.282 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc600pl.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.282 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.282 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.285 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.285 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.285 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc640p.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.286 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.286 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.287 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.288 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.288 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc800ih.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.288 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.288 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.290 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.290 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.290 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc800p.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.291 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.291 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.292 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.292 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.293 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc800pl.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.293 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.293 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.295 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.295 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.296 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stcany.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.296 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.296 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.298 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.298 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.300 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stcany_h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.300 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.300 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.302 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.302 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.302 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc_h.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.303 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.303 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.304 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.304 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.305 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\stc_l.upp 2018-07-11 17:58:53.306 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.306 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.307 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.308 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.308 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\Fontmap.VMS 2018-07-11 17:58:53.308 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.308 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.310 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.311 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.311 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_l.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.311 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.311 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.315 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.315 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.315 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_l_m.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.315 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.315 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.318 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.318 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.319 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_m.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.319 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.319 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.321 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.321 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.322 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_m_m.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.322 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.322 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.324 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.324 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.325 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_s.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.325 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.325 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.327 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.327 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.328 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_s_m.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.328 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.328 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.331 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.331 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.332 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_t.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.332 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.332 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.334 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.334 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.335 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_t_m.xbm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.335 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.335 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.337 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.338 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.338 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_l.xpm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.338 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.338 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.340 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.341 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.341 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_m.xpm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.341 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.341 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.343 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.344 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.344 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_s.xpm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.344 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.344 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.347 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.347 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.348 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Lib\gs_t.xpm 2018-07-11 17:58:53.348 Time stamp of our file: 2017-10-04 10:50:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.348 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.350 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.350 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.351 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PayPal.ico 2018-07-11 17:58:53.351 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.351 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.354 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.354 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.354 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\pdfforge.ico 2018-07-11 17:58:53.354 Time stamp of our file: 2018-06-19 14:22:26.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.354 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.357 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.357 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.358 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\DeleteMonitorDll.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:53.358 Time stamp of our file: 2015-11-24 12:36:32.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.358 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.373 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.374 -- File entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.374 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\itextsharp.dll 2018-07-11 17:58:53.374 Time stamp of our file: 2017-08-22 17:39:42.000 2018-07-11 17:58:53.374 Installing the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.530 Successfully installed the file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.530 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.531 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.531 Creating directory: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:53.536 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.559 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.560 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.560 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\Licenses\AFPL License.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.561 Creating directory: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\Licenses 2018-07-11 17:58:53.565 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.568 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.570 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.570 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\Licenses\GPL License.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.571 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.573 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.574 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.574 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\Licenses\FairPlay License.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.576 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.579 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.580 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.580 Skipping due to "createonlyiffileexists" flag. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.581 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.581 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\Donate to PDFCreator.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.583 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.587 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.588 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.588 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\PDFCreator on the Web.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.590 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.593 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.594 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.594 Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PDFCreator\PDFCreator Help.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.596 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.601 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.602 -- Icon entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.602 Dest filename: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\PDFCreator.lnk 2018-07-11 17:58:53.605 Creating the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.622 Successfully created the icon. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 Entry: URL 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 Value: https://www.pdfforge.org 2018-07-11 17:58:53.624 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Entry: Iconindex 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Value: 26 2018-07-11 17:58:53.625 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Entry: IconFile 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Value: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:53.626 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Donate to PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Entry: URL 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Value: https://www.pdfforge.org/donate 2018-07-11 17:58:53.627 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.628 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.628 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.629 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Donate to PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.629 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.629 Entry: Iconindex 2018-07-11 17:58:53.629 Value: 27 2018-07-11 17:58:53.629 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 -- INI entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Dest filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Donate to PDFCreator.url 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Section: InternetShortcut 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Entry: IconFile 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Value: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:53.630 Updating the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.631 Successfully updated the .INI file. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.710 Installation process succeeded. 2018-07-11 17:58:53.716 -- Run entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:53.716 Run as: Current user 2018-07-11 17:58:53.716 Type: Exec 2018-07-11 17:58:53.716 Filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SetupHelper.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:53.716 Parameters: /ComInterface=Register 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 Process exit code: 0 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 -- Run entry -- 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 Run as: Current user 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 Type: Exec 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 Filename: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\SetupHelper.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:54.309 Parameters: /FileExtensions=Add 2018-07-11 17:58:55.104 Process exit code: 0 2018-07-11 17:58:55.107 AppPath: C:\Program Files\PDFCreator 2018-07-11 17:58:55.107 InstalledPDFCreatorVersion: Not installed 2018-07-11 17:58:55.107 DontInstallPrinters: false 2018-07-11 17:58:55.107 SPT: false 2018-07-11 17:58:59.235 InstallCompletePDFCreatorPrinter: Execution of PrinterHelper was successful! 2018-07-11 17:58:59.235 InstallCompletePDFCreatorPrinter: ResultCode=0 [successful] 2018-07-11 17:58:59.252 2018-07-11 17:58:58.3190 [Info] 90256-1 () NLog.LoggerImpl.Write: Monitor installed successfully 2018-07-11 17:58:59.252 2018-07-11 17:58:58.8076 [Info] 90256-1 () NLog.LoggerImpl.Write: Driver installed successfully 2018-07-11 17:58:59.252 2018-07-11 17:58:59.1560 [Info] 90256-1 () NLog.LoggerImpl.Write: 0 Printer added successfully 2018-07-11 17:58:59.252 2018-07-11 17:58:59.1585 [Info] 90256-1 () NLog.LoggerImpl.Write: 0 Printer installed successfully 2018-07-11 17:58:59.269 Start installing PDF Architect 2018-07-11 17:58:59.270 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\PDFArchitectAd3_English.bmp 2018-07-11 17:58:59.286 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\PDF_Architect_6_Installer.exe 2018-07-11 17:58:59.374 Embedded version 2018-07-11 17:58:59.383 Execute "PDF Architect" setup: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\PDF_Architect_6_Installer.exe /quiet /application_language=en /desktop_shortcut=1 /enable_automatic_updates=yes /win_explorer_integration /install_messenger 2018-07-11 18:03:00.610 ResultCode: 0 2018-07-11 18:03:00.619 Finished "PDF Architect" setup. 2018-07-11 18:03:00.629 Initialize PDFCreator 2018-07-11 18:03:00.691 Initializing successful, result code: 259 2018-07-11 18:03:00.691 Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1U4G.tmp\InstallCheck.exe 2018-07-11 18:03:00.700 EM:0 2018-07-11 18:03:00.700 PA:0 2018-07-11 18:03:00.700 ic:/verysilent /p=1 /v= /ud=0 /lc=en /b=2 /e=0 /f=program /g=10.00.14393 /brk="HKLM\SOFTWARE\PDF Architect 6\Links\params" /brd="partner=default&uid=1006694&ref=pdfarchitect.org&cmp=PDFCreator_2nd&key1=new_user&key2=%buuid%&mkey1=default" /j=1 /i=0 /k=2.0SP2,3.0SP2,3.5SP1,4Client,4Full,4.5,4.5.1,4.5.2,4.6,4.6.1 /l=1 /m=6ef875e9e628f2b5fcbfb29b3f9a9fe7838cba43