Autosave - save dialog box still appears

I have an issue using autosave function.
Under Auto-Save option I have selected “Enable Automatic saving” and “Ensure Unique filename…” and a path I selected.
Under Save option I have selected PDF as default format and created a filename using tokens “”
Then when I try using the PDF creator I select the printer and the box where I can choose a profile, add metadata etc. I choose save and afterword’s the destination box appears.
Even while selecting the “Skip print dialog …” the option with profile selection and metadata still appears.

What do I need to do and what do I have to undo to get the following steps.

Choose printer -> get the option where I can select different profiles, click save and the end the task.

I´m Ussing version 2.5.2

Kind regards


you can always revert back to all default settings in the debug section of the PDFCretor application settings. Probably what you need to do to fix the current issue is go to application settings->printer and select the profile where you enabled the auto-save for the printer you are using.

Best regards,
