Error with PDF CReator 3.0.1

Hello All,
I decided to open an account here because we are looking to get a few licenses for PDF creator. But with the free version we are running into a few difficulties.
I did a fresh install of version 3.0.1 after which we started the program and tried to create a jpeg from a pdf. The program did what we wanted, only coming up with the following error (see below).
I uninstalled pdfcreator from the computer via the windows control panel and tried to install a older version, but that is now coming up with a message saying a reboot is needed. Even the /forceinstall and /verysilent didn’t do anything.

Anyone got any idea what to do to reinstall pdfcreator and what about the error message?

Thanks in advance!

/edit, sorry I’m not able to post the error message because I’m new apparently…

Hi @wessel,

Does the Forum allow you to send the error message from PDFCreator version 3.0.1 with PM (private message)? In this case: To me

Kind regards