PDf Creator Server Failed printing after creating the pdf

I’ve a pdf Creator Server ver 1.1.1 Build 9994. I’ve created a queue on my server which save the file in a network share folder. , I’ve configure the program to print the document on a real printer immediatly after. Pdf Creator create well the pdf document but Nothing is printing on my real printer. I use Notepad for testing the printing
I see that in task manager of Windows a process:
gswin32c.exe *32 which have in commande line “c:\program files\PDFCreator Server\Ghostscript\Bon\gswin32c.exe” @ “c:\Windows\temp\PDFCRE~1\JOB_YJ~1\parameters.txt”. This process still stay . I can find parameters.txt in the folder.

And In the log of Pdf Creator server, I can see:
[Error] pdfforge.PDFCreator.Core.Actions.PrintingAction.ProcessJob: Error while printing.

If I send a new printing another line in Windows task manager appear :gswin32c.exe with the same command line but in a different folder.

In the log of Pdf Creator server, I can see again:
[Error] pdfforge.PDFCreator.Core.Actions.PrintingAction.ProcessJob: Error while printing.

Can you help me
