PDFCreator COM - Default Printer - Remote Desktop

I am using PDF Creator for Terminal Servers.
I create a PDF through a VBA script that uses the COM interface.

Question 1:
Can I specify in code which printer the COM object should use?
Now, I can change the default printer before and after the code executes.

Question 2:
Why Is this behavior occurring:
I have a PDFCreator on the server, but also a PDFCreator on my client.
I connect via RDP (Remote Desktop) to the server. My PDF Creator on my client is mapped on the server and set as Default Printer. The code below is executed on the server and I want the PDF to be printed on the server.
When I try the code below, the job in put in the queue of my local client, not the server.

Set queue = CreateObject(“PDFCreator.JobQueue”)
Set printJob = queue.NextJob
'do actual printing
Set printJob = queue.NextJob
printJob.SetProfileByGuid (“DefaultGuid”)
printJob.ConvertTo (“c:\temp\file.pdf”)


I am not sure if there is a solution for this, as mapping the printer from the client to a remote desktop isn’t generally supported or tested. It might just depend on how exactly the VBA Script is executed. Is the script really executed from the server, or is it only located on the server (but maybe run by the client)?

Best regards,
