Print job author

We are using PaperCut software to authenticate users at the printer. Jobs that are submitted with the user as the owner are available to print by that user after they authenticate.

When using PDFCreator server, a queue has been created which creates and saves a PDF, and attempts to print the document to the virtual printer used by PaperCut. The job shows up in the queue, but the owner is shown as the service account running PDFCreator instead of the user who actually submitted the job. Since they are not shown as the owner, the PaperCut software does not make that job available for them to release. I've tried to specify as the author, but that changes nothing.

Is there anything that can be done to associate the print job to the actual user who initiated it from their computer?


you are correct, the PrintJobAuthor token will always return the user running the service.
You can use the <ClientComputer> token to retrieve the name/IP (depending on your DNS settings) of the machine which sent the job to the server, but I don't think it's possible to get the user if there are potentially multiple users per machine.

Best regards
