Problem with Lotus Notes background agent

I made Lotusscript code with VB code to choose a mail in a mailbox, detach attachment, create a pdf with pdfcreator, convert attachment in pdf and merge all in one PDF.
It works fine in PDF creator 2.3.2 and i upgraded to the last version 3.0.2 and works fine too.

I user the 4 objets, add files in queue, wait the incomming job and merge all without any problem when my code run on my computer. In that case PDFcreator works on local.

I explode this agent in two parts : one used in local and the other one working on a server. The local part is used to choose the email in mailbox, send all the needed information to the background agent and run it.

Agent programmed on the server failed : he find all the files to use and to convert in pdf, failed when he tried to initialise queue

Set PDFCreator = CreateObject("PDFCreator.PDFCreatorObj")
If PDFCreator Is Nothing Then
	MsgBox "Vous devez installer PDFCreator pour réliser l'impression."
	Call logwarning(NdocLog,"PDF créator n'est pas installé")
	Exit Function
End If
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set PDFCreatorQueue = CreateObject("PDFCreator.JobQueue")
Set PDFCreator = CreateObject("PDFCreator.PDFCreatorObj")

'Email en entrée
strInputFileName = emailFile
strDestFileName = tempPath + nomFichier+".pdf"
strDestFileName = Join(Split(strDestFileName,"/"),"")
Call loginfo(NdocLog,"PDFCreator fichier destination: " & strDestFileName )
intStatPDFCreator = PDFCreatorQueue.Initialize()
PDF creator 3.0.2 installed on the server, strDestFileName string is good and well formated, folder exist but he can’t initialise queue

Why ?


PDFCreator always requires a logged on user to run in a user session, as it can’t run in session 0. Could this maybe be the issue on the server?

Best regards,
