Trouble with RegEx Title Replacement

I’m struggling with a Title Replacement filter using RegEx.

With End, Start, and Replace Types I can create search text and leave the box under “Replace with” blank to basically delete those Search text’s from the title.

With a RegEx type I can create Search text but I can’t leave “Replace with” blank.

For example, if my Search text is a RegEx type and contains [^\w] and the Replace with is an x then all non alpha-numeric and underscores are replaced with an x. Pretty much as expected. If Replace with is blank then nothing happens.

Am I misunderstanding how the RegEx type filters for Title Replacements should be used?



we are currently looking into this, a possible work around might be to use the regex to replace the group with some unique string and then use the regular “replace” function to replace the string with a blank. We will check why it isn’t possible to do this directly.

Best regards


Thanks Robin. I appreciate the response and the effort to check on it.

I’m now struggling with getting a RegEx search that will work.

A sample of my title is 12345 - A.12 B.pdf
All I want to keep is the A.12 (note that the period is the only constant here, the A and the 1 and 2 are variable, but will always be a letter and two numbers).
I use (\d){5}(\s)(-)(\s) to match everything up to the A, but I can’t figure out how to match the space-B afterwards.
If anyone has any advice it’s much appreciated.
