Waiting for the PDF printer to finish, PowerBuilder

I have a PowerBuilder app that creates informs and save then as PDF with PDFCreator. After that, I want to send those files by mail, using an stored procedure in SQL server 2008.

For example, I have 50 informs. I want to: - Save all to pdf (50 pdf files - PowerBuilder app) - Send them by mail (stored procedure - SQL)

I save every inform with a DataWindow (.saveAs method): dw_1.saveAs(ls_path, PDF!, true)

If I try to run the app and, after that, run the stored procedure, the saving-to-pdf-process is much slower than the execution time of the app, so I cannot send the files by mail, because they have not been created yet... :frowning:

Any ideas?


you could use the inbuilt SMTP action to send the mails directly through PDFCreator. This way, you won't need to ensure the PDFs are created before sending, as PDFCreator will do it for you.

Best regards


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