Automatic printing action does not start without opening PDF Creator

Hi , I’m using PDF Creator in the following scenario : two computers PC1
 and PC2 network. PC1 has a local HP printer and PDF Creator printer.
The PDF Creator printer is shared on network and is configured with
autosave file and print action in local HP printer. PC2 is connected to
the shared printer on PC1.
Thus when printing to the printer that I have set to PC2 ( shared PDF
Creator) this work goes to the PDF Creator printer from PC1 and then
automatically stored in the PC1 and prints the job in the HP of the PC1.
Apparently it works smoothly . But only if I open the PDF Creator on
PC1 . Otherwise it does not print , and only when you open the PDF
Creator appears a small box that will come up to 100% and then printed.
Is it possible for this to work without having to open the PDF Creator on PC1 ?


PDFCreator always needs to be running on PC1, if installing it locally on PC2 is not an option.

best regards,


Thanks for the quick response. You may run it minimized in the taskbar
or run as a service? Because it is difficult to keep the PDF creator window always

The PC’s are Windows 7 x64 and Windows 8 x64.


running it as a service or minimized should work, this tutorial should also still apply up to version 1.7.3:

which PDFCreator version do you have installed?

best regards,