Background not print

Version 2.3.2, whis automatic recording and actions : open + merge pdf + print
In the open document .pdf background is merged but is not printing
Only the original document is printing without the background pdf

Got the exact same issues, same version number.

who test pdfcreator ?
it’s a so big bug ! or there is a parameter that i don’t see ???


it is not a bug at all, but rather a problem which can’t simply get solved the way things currently work: The print action uses Ghostscript to print the postscript file directly, but the background is added to the PDF after it is was converted from postscript. Therefore the data used to print doesn’t contain the background. A possible work around for this is to use the “run script” action instead of the “print” action and pointing it to a PDF viewer capable of command line printing.

Best regards,
