Blank pages in windows 7 64bit

Hi Robin:

The PDFCreator only print blank pages except for the testpage,How to remove PDFCreator completely?I want to reinstalling it.

I test and found, once you use Chinese filename(word, or excel), then “print blank”. If the filename changed to English, then “print OK”.

And I test on browser print :
firefox, title with Chinese -> print blank
firefox title with English -> print ok,
IE, no matter the title with Chinese or not, -> print ok

log file found:
the log file that print blank only lost a line "…"



hope this help


win 7, 32bit, traditional chinese, pdfcreator version 1.6


this seems to be the problem with chinese characters in the title again. Firefox puts the page title in the title of the print job while IE uses the url. This explains that it works with IE and it does not with Firefox.

Can you give us a URL that produces the problem with Firefox? (We thought that we had fixed this already…)

kind regards,

I try to print out a testing page from PDFCreator printer device and PDFCreator monitor but only succeed on PDFCreator monitor.

my computer is Windows 7 x64 (Chinese editor) 

I have tried to print my files but the .pdfs turned out to be blank (from a 3mB .ppt to a 3kB .pdf)
I have looked through the comments above but still cannot conclude the answer of fixing this problem, IE? What did you guys meant by "opening in IE"?
I have copied the logs below, please help!

2012/12/14 上午 02:14:51: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:111
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:00: PDFCreator Program Start
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:00: Windowsversion: Windows 7 6.1 Build 7600 () [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus IsWindows7 IsWindows7Enterprise]
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:00: InstalledAsServer: False
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:00: MyAppData: C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Roaming
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:00: PDFCreator spool directory (Write access: true): C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\PDFCreator\\Spool\\
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:11: Ghostscriptparameter:
-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\PDFCreator\\GS9.06\\gs9.06\\Lib\\
2012/12/14 上午 02:16:11: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:109
2012/12/14 上午 02:20:42: PDFCreator Program Start
2012/12/14 上午 02:20:42: Windowsversion: Windows 7 6.1 Build 7600 () [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus IsWindows7 IsWindows7Enterprise]
2012/12/14 上午 02:20:42: InstalledAsServer: False
2012/12/14 上午 02:20:42: MyAppData: C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Roaming
2012/12/14 上午 02:20:42: PDFCreator spool directory (Write access: true): C:\\Users\\Ray\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\PDFCreator\\Spool\\


IE means Internet Explorer (in general there is a problem if the printing application puts non-ascii characters in the title of the print job)
Is this the case for you, or is it a completly different problem?
Please try printing a website to the PDFCreator from the Internet Explorer to verify this.



I have the same issue. If I try to auto-save a PDF it is blank. If i try to save a JPEG, it never shows up. Test page from within PDFCreator works fine. I enabled the extra logging via regedit and have pasted my log for a single print job below. I get blank 3kB PDFs. We do not have any unicode characters or other languages in use. We don't use any extra ghostscript options either. I have re-installed PDF Creator without any change. PDF Creator is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit. Any insight into this issuewould be greathly appreciated. Printing from IE or opening the PDFs in IE still result in blank PDFs


1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Windowsversion: Windows 2008 R2 Server 6.1 Build 7601 (Service Pack 1) [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus IsWinVistaSP1 IsWin2008R2Server]
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: InstalledAsServer: False
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Autosavemodus: 1files
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Autosavemodus: Create File 'S:\\Reports\\Administrator - 20130123173806.pdf'
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Ghostscriptparameter:
-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\PDFCreator\\GS9.05\\gs9.05\\Lib\\
-sOutputFile=S:\\Reports\\Administrator - 20130123173806.pdf
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Error: Error: /undefined in Windows; Operand stack:; ; Execution stack:;    %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1926   1   3   %oparray_pop   1925   1   3   %oparray_pop   1909   1   3   %oparray_pop   1803   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--; Dictionary stack:;    --dict:1206/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:77/200(L)--; Current allocation mode is local; Current file position is 49; GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1;
1/23/2013 5:38:06 PM: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:118
1/23/2013 5:45:08 PM: PDFCreator Program Start
1/23/2013 5:45:08 PM: Windowsversion: Windows 2008 R2 Server 6.1 Build 7601 (Service Pack 1) [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus IsWinVistaSP1 IsWin2008R2Server]
1/23/2013 5:45:08 PM: PDFCreator spool directory (Write access: true): C:\\Users\\ADMINI~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2\\PDFCreator\\Spool\\
1/23/2013 5:45:19 PM: PDFCreator Program Start
1/23/2013 5:45:19 PM: MyAppData: C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming
1/23/2013 5:45:19 PM: PDFCreator spool directory (Write access: true): C:\\Users\\ADMINI~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2\\PDFCreator\\Spool\\
1/23/2013 5:45:24 PM: InstalledAsServer: False
1/23/2013 5:45:24 PM: MyAppData: C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming
1/23/2013 5:45:25 PM: Autosavemodus: Create File 'S:\\Reports\\Administrator - 20130123174525.pdf'
1/23/2013 5:45:25 PM: Ghostscriptparameter:
-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\PDFCreator\\GS9.05\\gs9.05\\Lib\\
-sOutputFile=S:\\Epysis\\Administrator - 20130123174525.pdf
1/23/2013 5:45:25 PM: Error: Error: /undefined in Windows; Operand stack:; ; Execution stack:;    %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1926   1   3   %oparray_pop   1925   1   3   %oparray_pop   1909   1   3   %oparray_pop   1803   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--; Dictionary stack:;    --dict:1206/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:77/200(L)--; Current allocation mode is local; Current file position is 49; GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1;
1/23/2013 5:45:25 PM: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:103
1/23/2013 5:45:25 PM: Autosavemodus: Create File 'S:\\Reports\\Administrator - 20130123174525.pdf' success



something is causing a Ghostscrpt error, does this happen for every PDF you are trying to convert?

I figured it out. I was trying to use a 3rd party tool called RawPrintServer to listen on port 9100 and pass jobs onto PDF Creator. The problem was that I need to tell the client computer to sue the PDFCreator driver when sending the print jobs.

Just FYI the
ghostscript only occurred when printing through the 3rd party tool from a remote client
(rawprintserver). Printing on the local host works fine in all cases. I’ve opened a separate discussion/question related to port 9100 as server mode doesn’t accomplish what we need.

Thank you for the log, could you also post the log from the pdf print monitor (its in “printer”->log on the pdf print monitor). Can you also check, who is the owner of the .ps files which give the “access denied” error?



I found another situation (follow this page item_21

  • there is a file left in directory c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\PdfCreator\Spool\ , after PdfCreator printing a blank page.
  • if you double click this file, it can be printed to a normal pdf file as you requested former.

    So, I wonder if this is a problem that PdfCreator does not recognize this file normally? Something (Chinese coding? )stock this program?

Same problem for me with Windows 8 64 bits.
When I print a test page and before I click on “Save” button, I can see two files ( and xxx.inf) in folder \User\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\PdfCreator\Spool\ and I can edit these files with a text editor. When I click on “Save” button, the files disappear and PDF file is well generated.
When I print any other document, these two files are also created in the “Spool” folder but I can’t open them, Windows says “Access Denied” and the PDF file created is blank.

Already checked. And test page works well…
Regards, Sébastien.


please enable logging for the pdfcreator (press F3 on the print monitor or go to printer->logging) and also for the pdfcmon.dll by adding the following DWORD (32 bit) value
in your registry:

name : Logging,  value :1

This will cause PDFCreator to create an advanced logfile at %Windir%\Temp\_pdfcmonLog.txt.



Hi Robin,
This is the log generated :

[25.02.2013 09:05:06]-------------------- = --------------------
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-PdfStartDocPort=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]DLL-FileVersion=
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetOsInfo=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]GetVersionEx=True
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]BuildNumber=9200
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]MajorVersion=6
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]MinorVersion=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PlatformId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CSDVersion=
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ProductType=1
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ServicePackMajor=0
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ServicePackMinor=0
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]SuiteMask=256
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetOsInfo=End (Void)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetJobInfo=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]OpenPrinter=True
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]pjob->pMachineName=\\XXXXXXXXXX
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]pjob->pUserName=XXXXXX
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetJobInfo=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PrinterName=PDFCreator
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]JobId=3
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ComputerName=\\XXXXXXXXXX
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]UserName=XXXXXX
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetSessionData=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]OpenThreadToken=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]DuplicateTokenEx=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]SessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WTSEnumerateSessions=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Session found=true
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WinStation=Console
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetSessionData=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsConsoleSession=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]sessionID=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsConsoleSession=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]SessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WinStation=Console
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PDFServer=FALSE
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetUserTmpPath=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetUserTmp=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]RevertToSelf=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WTSQueryUserToken=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]GetEnvironemtVariableForUser-Variable=%TMP%
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]GetEnvironemtVariableForUser-Result=C:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]User-Temp=C:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetUserTmp=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]m_SessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-ExtendPathWithSessionId=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ policy key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘PerSessionTempDir’ policy value=not successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open policy value ‘PerSessionTempDir’=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PerSessionTempDir=0
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=End (False)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ policy key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘fDenyTSConnections’ policy value=not successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open policy value ‘fDenyTSConnections’=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]fDenyTSConnections=1
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]SessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=True
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]((s_osvi.dwMajorVersion < 6) && (s_osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION))=False (=> <> Win XP)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-ExtendPathWithSessionId=End (False)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ExtendPathWithSessionId=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetUserTmpPath=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]TmpPath=C:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\PdfCreator\Spool
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetDatFileName=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]pDatFile=55983E8894B441B08BA18F7021CB5EDF.inf
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-GetDatFileName=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PostscriptFile=C:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\PdfCreator\Spool\
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]DocName=new  1
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]OpenPrinter=True
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-PdfStartDocPort=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-CreateDatFile=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CreateFile: CloseHandle(hFile)=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-CreateDatFile=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-StartPdfCreator=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]RevertToSelf=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]WTSQueryUserToken=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]DuplicateTokenEx=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CreateEnvironmentBlock=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]EnvironmentSize=2449
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-ExtendPathWithSessionId=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ policy key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘PerSessionTempDir’ policy value=not successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open policy value ‘PerSessionTempDir’=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]PerSessionTempDir=0
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=End (False)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=Start
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ policy key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘fDenyTSConnections’ policy value=not successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open ‘Terminal Server’ key=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Open policy value ‘fDenyTSConnections’=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]fDenyTSConnections=1
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=End (True)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]SessionId=2
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsfDenyTSConnectionsActivated=True
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]((s_osvi.dwMajorVersion < 6) && (s_osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION))=False (=> <> Win XP)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]IsPerSessionTempDirActivated=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-ExtendPathWithSessionId=End (False)
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]ExtendPathWithSessionId=False
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CommandLine= /PPDFCREATORPRINTER /PIFC:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\PdfCreator\Spool\55983E8894B441B08BA18F7021CB5EDF.inf
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Command=C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CloseHandle(hTokenDup)=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CloseHandle(hTokenNew)=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CloseHandle(pi.hThread)=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]CloseHandle(pi.hProcess)=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]DestroyEnvironmentBlock=successful
[25.02.2013 09:05:06]Modul-StartPdfCreator=End (True)

Regards, Sébastien.

Log from pdf print monitor :

25/03/2013 08:58:54: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:219
25/03/2013 08:58:55: PDFCreator Program End
25/03/2013 09:05:07: PDFCreator Program Start
25/03/2013 09:05:07: Windowsversion: VerMajor: 6 -> Unknown ‘VerMinor’:2 6.2 Build 9200 () [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus]
25/03/2013 09:05:07: InstalledAsServer: False
25/03/2013 09:05:07: MyAppData: C:\Users\XXXXXX.XXX\AppData\Roaming
25/03/2013 09:05:07: PDFCreator spool directory (Write access: true): C:\Users\XXXXXX~1.XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\PDFCreator\Spool\
25/03/2013 09:05:20: Ghostscriptparameter:
-IC:\Program Files (x86)\PDFCreator\GS9.05\gs9.05\Lib\
25/03/2013 09:05:21: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:178
25/03/2013 09:05:21: PDFCreator Program End
25/03/2013 09:15:21: InstalledAsServer: False
25/03/2013 09:15:21: MyAppData: C:\Users\XXXXXX.XXX\AppData\Roaming
26/03/2013 15:59:37: Windowsversion: VerMajor: 6 -> Unknown ‘VerMinor’:2 6.2 Build 9200 () [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus IsWinVistaPlus]
26/03/2013 15:59:37: InstalledAsServer: False
26/03/2013 15:59:45: Ghostscriptparameter:
-IC:\Program Files (x86)\PDFCreator\GS9.05\gs9.05\Lib\
26/03/2013 15:59:45: Time for converting [PDF without encryption]: 00:00:00:450

About the owner of the .ps file, it is me (the user who runs the printing), and I have total access to the file (System and Administrators Group too)


this is quite a mystery to us. 
Could you possibly send us a .ps file per mail which doesn´t work for you?



Hi Robin,

I have found the problem :my personal user folder is encrypted (recursively), so I think system services and/or PDFCreator can’t read the files that are generated by me because they are encrypted with my password…
So decrypting my temp folder solves the case.

Regards, Sébastien.

When I print a test page, I see new 2 files are created in  



I can open and see ps file already. but When I save it to pdf with the pdfcreator interface, it becomes blank page.

I check the xxxx.inf file and found the there are spaces between each charaters, somthing llke this:

[ 1 ]  S e s s i o n I d = 1  W i n S t a t i o n = C o n s o l e  U s e r N a m e = u s e r ... 


[1]SessionId=1WinStation=Console UserName=user ......

if I remove the spaces before save it to pdf with the pdfcreator, it prints successfuly,

May I know what's happening there?
