BUG: Check for new updates keeps trying

The check for new updates keeps trying if there isn't a internet connection. In my case I had 216 popups on a PC that was doing some automated printing saying "Could not connect to the update server" as well as about 100 Windows errors saying that he couldn't launch another instance of PDFCreator...

Would be better that he didn't try anymore if there is already a popup shown...

Rem: I run the normal version, not the server installation

I'll check this. You can set the update interval to never in the options.

I did that already, forgot to mention it.


I have the same issue. PDFCreator 0.9.9 still trys to connect to the update server even if the intervall is set to "never".

Our PC has no internet access and I run into the problems when updating from 0.9.5 to 0.9.8.

I had the same problem and I think there is a simple solution.

I looked through the registry and found this key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\PDFCreator\\Program] "UpdateInterval"="2"

I changed the value to "0" and it seems as if things are working :-)

Later on I stumbled over this pageĀ 

http://wpkg.org/PDFCreator where this very feature is explained ... so I definitely think this will work :-)


Hey Jens, thanks for posting this.

However... this option is also available from the standard user interface of PDFCreator... so it wasn't the problem to put this off... but even if it is on, it shouldn't try 216 times in a few hours... and certainly shouldn't show 216 dialogs saying it didn't work :-)...

Thanks anyway,

