Can I stop a PDF from resizing my Reader window?

I regularly receive PDFs that think they know better than I do the best size and location for the Reader window on my screen.  Every time I open one of these files, I have to resize the window back to my own preferences, which I find extremely annoying (but not annoying enough to justify buying the full Acrobat program).  I just found about the existence of this PDFArchitect program, and before I install it, I’d like to know:  will this program allow me to remove this misfeature from the PDFs I receive?


yes, but I believe this is also possible with Reader:)
You will need to change the setting for page view mode to something other then automatic.



The closest thing to a “page view mode” setting that I found in Reader is called “PDF/A View Mode”, but changing this had no effect (at least, not on the behavior I’m trying to change).  Can you give some more detail on where to find the setting?

(And BTW, if you need an example PDF that exhibits this behavior, try downloading an iPhone User Guide PDF from Apple.)

In PDF Architect the setting is on the top left of the “view” section,
you can chose between “actual size”, “fit height” or “fit width”.

In Adobe it is in the preferences->page view->zoom (might be named slightly different, my reader version is german).

