Cannot open SmartForm with PDF architect

I have had an end user come to me this morning with a PDF document that isn't opening. It turns out the document is a SmartForm created with Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES9.0. It is able to be opened by the latest release of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC however when attempting to open with PDF Architect I am greeted with;

"Please wait...

If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document ...."

Does PDF Architect even support the use of eForms/SmartForms?

Help much appreciated otherwise we will need to roll over to Adobe Acrobat again which is not ideal when we have started licensing users for PDF Architect Pro



PDF Architect 7 can open all documents which are valid PDFs according to the PDF standard.
If the document was created with Adobe LifeCycle it most likely isn't a valid PDF as it uses proprietary Adobe technologies and can only be opened in Adobe applications.

Best regards
