Can't remove PDFArchitect toolbars


I’m using Office 2003.

After installing PDFArchtitect I am unable to remove permanently the toolbars which have appeared in Excel and Word.

I am able to go to View->Toolbars and deselect the PDFArchitect toolbar but this does not persist across restarts.

I have viewed a previous discussion about removing the toolbar from Outlook which suggests going to Add-Ins and de-selecting there. In Excel 2003 there is no entry for PDFArchitect in Tools->Add-Ins, and in Word 2003 I can find no corresponding Add-In location.

Please give me instructions on how to turn off these toolbars permanently.

Also, please explain what extra benefits PDFArchitect provides over PDFCreator+Images2PDF before the purchase of extra modules. AS far as I can see there are none.

Whilst I understand the need for PDFForge to monetise its investment on the excellent PDFCreator, I urge you not to waste the goodwill you have built up by force-feeding people with your new product.

PDFCreator is an excellent lightweight tool for doing a simple job, but PDFArchitect weighs in at nearly 100MB (before even purchasing any extra modules).

There is nothing more guaranteed to put potential punters like
myself off than finding a product behaving like malware (reappearing
after being hidden/removed). I have recommended PDFForge PDFCreator to
many people and businesses, but after the behaviour of your recent product I am afraid I will have to receommend that they uninstall all PDFForge products

I hope in future iterations of PDFArchitect you change the behaviour of the un-removeable toolbars or provide clear and easy instructions on how to disable them.

Thanks in advance,

David Marten


you can uninstall those add ins by doing the following: go to your windows control panel->programs, select the PDFArchitect from the list and click on change/remove.
Then you can deselect the add ins or choose to remove the Architect completely.
We are working on making this available during the actual setup.
(It is allready possible to deselect the PDFArchitect during setup, so nobody is forced to install it.)
The benefit PDFArchitect provides, is a more intuative way of merging PDFs with the abitilty to delete and rotate pages using a GUI (there has been a user asking the exact opposite question, it always depends on what you are planning to do with it).



Thank you Robin for your swift response - that did the trick!

I hope that as PDFArchitect develops you give us users a more intuitive way to control such options at runtime.

The issue I have now is that the toolbar is completely unavailable - I only wanted it out of the way because I use a small screen and space is precious.

Keep up the good work!



Robin, let me add my thanks for the clear and succinct reply.  I would like to throw in my two cents’ worth in asking for this capability through the normal application menus, such as under Options or in a separate Preferences dialog.  I normally associate the Control Panel route with its title: “Add or Remove Programs” and by default, I don’t think of using that to modify the behavior of the programs.  I can see the logic, but at least from my end-user point of view, it’s not terribly friendly. On the other hand, I can’t complain too much about free software, so thank you for that.

Ken Gant

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