Combine do not renumber pages

When i combine some document in one PDF the (pdf) page number is not updated. Take a 2 pages document and print with "Wait" 2 times. Then combine in one PDF. The resulting PDF has 4 pages and the Reader shows Page 1 2 1 2 in the thumbnail panel .

Is there any option to renumber the pages when combine ?

Thank you.


PDFCreator 0.9.9 on WinVista


Thank you for the response.

Only for the case of misunderstanding: I don't talk about the page number "printed" on the document as "Page 2 of 2". I'm talking about that after combine documents i cannot navigate in Adobe Reader thru the pages, because the page numbers are duplicated.

The Adobe Reader has a page number navigator, a field where i can put the page number where i want to go. That won`t work in combinated docs.

Thanks for this hint. I will check this.

This is not possible at the moment. PDFCreator can't change text in a pdf file.

Made a fast test with a Excel-sheet and a Word-document with 1.0.0 and XP.

I did not get the problem.

After mortenchristense's comment i checked again and the problem only happens if i print/combine pdf files.

We do that to inset new pages into an existing pdf document. 

I upgraded to version 1.0.0 but still the same.

Ok i found a workaround: Combine the diferent pdfs in one pdf output. This output will have "wrong" page numbers. Then print the "wrong" output again into pdf and the all is fine.