Compatibility when COM Interface will change the "Beta" status?


I’ve added compatibility with PDFCreator COM Interface version>2.0 to my software last week.
The “PDFCreatorBeta.JobQueue” object is working fine. :smiley:

But I’m a little worried about the moment components will change from Beta status to nothing.
For now I do a registry check of the key “PDFCreatorBeta.JobQueue” to check PdfCreator Version and apply the correct behaviour.
But if that key disappear with the next versions, i’ll have some trouble and will have to go in the registry to check the new Keys inserted to create my new objects…

So here are my questions:
Are you going to remove the key “PDFCreatorBeta.JobQueue” from the registry in next versions ?
If Yes, is it going to be replace by “PDFCreator.JobQueue” or anything different ?

Best regards,


I will need to pass the question on to our COM developer. What I can say is that it should become final with the next update, which is sheduled for middle of october.

best regards,


the “beta” part will be removed from all ProgIDs, so yes it will become "PDFCreator.JobQueue"

best regards,


A late “thank you” for your answer !
Indeed the “Beta” isn’t anymore now.
Best regards,