Convert all to CMYK

Aaak. I have spent hours trying to make sense of all the permeatations of  Ghostscript documentation in an attempt to do one simple thing. Having used PDFcreator for other tasks, I am familiar with the software, but was unaware it could actually transcode the RGB images while simultaneously working with the text. But after spending hours of trial and error, I am having problems still.

The project: Take an OpenOffice writer document that includes color text, black text and RGB images and convert it to a 100% CMYK PDF

The Problem: I set the standard PDFcreator options to use CMYK (prepress, embed all fonts, Use Color Model CMYK, and crank out a PDF, and the rendered document includes RGB images (according to PDF/x-3 Inspector for Adobe Acrobat) . I then add the standard Ghostscript parameters "-dTextAlphaBits=4|-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4|-dDOINTERPOLATE" and the PDF does not generate more than 1 page of the document. The problem appears to be with the -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 setting.

Question: How can I generate a 100% CMYK document with true black for the black text using PDFcreator? Are there better Ghostscript settings (e.g. use any of the -dConvertCMYKImagesToRGB=false | -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK | -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK | -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK settings)?


Thanks you for any help. I am going bald on something that seems like it should be easy.