Creating fillable forms

I have a pdf document created using pdfCreator, but now I want to make it into a fillable form.  As far as I can see, pdfCreator does not currently support this. 

Are there any plans to add this function in the future?  Are there other projects that do this from an existing pdf document? 

Alternately, if a fillable form is created in (say) ms Word or OOo Writer, can this be converted directly into a fillable pdf form? 

I know Adobe Acrobat full edition can do this ... but it does not make sense to buy that, unless you are doing lot of advanced pdf creation and editing (I only need these features once in a while).

Any comments or advice?

Any plans to add this to pdfCreator or another of the pdfForge projects?

Thanks in advance,



Hi, i think you have to first create the form on Ms Word then export to PDF format and finally open it in your PDF software. Thanks.



PDF Architect can create forms from scratch.
Direct conversion of forms is not possible in any of our products.

Best regards
