Creating PDF with standardized 300DPI/CCITT G4, forced monochrome

Creating PDF with standardized 300DPI/CCITT G4, forced monochrome


Is it possible to create a file, where color and grayscale images are converted to monochrome in PDF files ? 
I know it usualy produces bad result because of the the gray threshold but it doesn't matter too much in this case.

I can't figure out a way to do this with PDF creator, 1.7.2 / 1.9.2.

I need this because there is a gov site in luxembourg, where they'll only accept this specific lossless filter and I have to work with a lot of different source pdf files.

Also, I'd be glad to participate in coding with the project, and especialy implementing this solution as an option. Where is the code hosted ?

Thanks in advance.


thank you for your interest and offer.
It isn’t currently possible to convert color/greyscale images to monochrome with PDFCreator.
The code is hosted here:
We use ghostscript for the conversion to PDF, do you already have an idea where and how you would like to implement the feature (during the conversion to PDF, or afterwards?) 




actually there is a workarround but I don’t know if it is suitable for you:
You can first convert the documents to a monochrome .tif and convert it to PDF afterwards.
(You can create a new profile+printer for this with settings to autosave the .tif to a temp folder and automatically “print” it to PDFCreator again afterwards.  )



Hello Robin,

Sorry I didn’t come back sooner.
I’ve set up my dev environment, and looking at it right now.

First I’ll see what’s possible with my skills, and yes, the workaround is nice, and probably scripting it would be a good first step.

Thank You :slight_smile: