Disable PDF Architect 9 Installer / Updater

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Wir haben PDF Architect 9 auf unserer VDI Umgebung installiert.
Nun poppt der Installer vom PDF Architect bei jedem Benutzer-Login auf.

Wie kann der Installer via GPO / Registry ausgeschaltet werden???

Hi @Tinu75

We have a special installer for your VDI environment, and should do the trick:

PDF Architect 9 > Application Options > ‘Notification’ and ‘Updates’ are missing

Please contact me via private message.


Hello Sascha.
where do you have this special installer?

If you have any information about Disable this Installer/updater via Registry please share it here

Hi @IcyBlood:

I have no information about registry changes (personally, I'm trying to stay out of it), but this installer is called B2B Subscription Updates disabled (Application Options > ‘Notification’ and ‘Updates’ are missing).

Please give it a go:


Hi @Sascha.H,

The Issue that I have is that there are many workstations that have pdfcreator installed, which don't need the architect in general so I would like to write a script taht installed the pdf creator but also don't allow architect to install/disable notification in general.

So that after installing I don't need to do additional taks.

maybe you provide something that helps me with this.

Thank you



I thought your original question was about PDF Architect, so my answer / link didn't quite fit.

If you install PDFCreator Free with our EXE installer, please unselect PDF Architect within the PDFCreator setup (see screenshot):

Another way to install PDFCreator Free without PDF Architect is to use Windows Package Manager (Winget), all you need to know is explained here:
