We are encountering the following problem:
We use PDF creator on our WTS for several years without any problems. But now I hit one...
To lower the i/o load on our WTS, we started to use "folder redirection" in GPO. We redirect Application Data , Desktop and the start menu to a share on the File-Server. The "My Documents Folder" was already redirected without a problem. This is well documented and supported by Microsoft
But it breaks PdfCreator 0.9.8 / 0.9.9 and 1.0.0 preview 27/05/2010.
It works great without Folder redirection, but when Folder redirection is active, Printing to PDF hits error 481 (invalid picture) in modul "modMain" in procedure "StartProgram" at Line51700 (v0.9.9). It looks that it tried to start "Pdfcreator.exe" but somehow failed. Pdfcreator is not popping up to foreground, but is visible in the process list.
I've found a work around, but this rather recourse expensive. When starting the PDF print monitor manually (pdfcreator.exe) printing works ok. But pdfcreator consumes about 28Mb memory just being Idle. This expensive starting the PDF print monitor in at start-up for every user on the WTS.
Is there a way around?