Error 50003 in procedure StartProgram at line 51830 on Windows 7 x64

Installed PDFCreator on new Windows 7 Professional x64.

Try to print to "PDFCreator" and get error:



PDFCreator -




PDFCreator 1.0.2 - Error message



  Error-Nr: 50003 (Unexpected Error)

  Modul: modMain

  Procedure: StartProgram

  Line: 51830

  Date/Time: 09-21-2010 / 08:37:40





 Windows 7 6.1 Build 7600 ()

  [TerminalServer IsWinXPPlus  IsWinVistaPlus  IsWindows7]



Have already tried uninstall, reboot, re-install and no joy.


Any ideas?

 Due to the lack of response, thus far, please can someone at least confirm that they have PDFCreator running successfully on Windows 7 Professional x64?

At least I'll then know that it does work and I have a problem specific to my, and my colleagues, installations.


I've been able to print on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 using Office Word 2010. No idea what could be you problem...

Same pb on XP Pro and PDFCreator 1.1.0, and 1.2.0

get error :

500003 (Erreur inattendue)

Modul : modMain

Procedure : StartProgram

Line 51830

I noticed that :

1- I use the automatic record option

2- I use my personal folder c:\\mydocuments\\personal to save automaticly the files

3 -I automaticly load the PDF viewer after printing, then I save a copy of the page in another folder (so I get it twice).

All is running perfeclty, until  the error.

It seems to occures each time a certain amount of documents are in the folder for automatic savings.

4- I clean and erase all these files, containing the old printed pages.

5 -I must remove the program, clean register with regcleaner, and reinstall the program. Reinstall without cleaning with regcleaner dosn't work, need absolutly clean register.

If i think about deleting files before the error occures, the program is running more longer, several weeks. But if I forget, damned  ! I'm broken !

and then, the problem is solved, .... until i get 60 or 70 files in the folder.

then return to step 4.

any idea to avoid reinstall ?

any engeneer to correct this "bug" ?
