<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Hi all,
I am running a 1.2.1 PDF Creator version on Microsoft Windows XP Professional VErsion 2002 Service Pack 3.
I get an error when I try to PDF print again a PDF file that contains stamps and comments on it (stamps and comments applied with Nuance's PDF Converter Enterprise 7):
For example, I try to COMBINE in PDF Creatortwo files:
1 - The main PDF file edited with Nuance PDF Converter, file which contains Stamps and Comments
2 - Other normal documents printed from various applications (.xls, .doc, .pdf, emails, internet pages etc)
The result is that I get the below error and the additional pages I wanted to add (number 2) are not PDF printed by PDF Creator:
ERROR: undefinedfilename
Can you advise how can I resolve this error and get to PDF print in PDF Converter the additional files that I want to add to the main PDF?