Error's message of Windows after installation of PDFCreator


I would wish to have your help about 2 technicals problems.

Every 4 or five  months, I must uninstall and reinstall the program on account,

suddenly, not any document's impression is accepted.

Next, when I have reinstalled the program (to day) I have this message of Windows:

"Runtime Error (at 113: 383) :  Access violation at adress 7C938COB.

Read of adress 41504D4F". I work  with Windows XP Home 32 bits,with Intel.

On waiting. Friendly.

The Access Violation error occurs when you have DivX 7 with its own copy of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Redistributable (VC80CRTRedist - 8.0.50727.4053). The installation of PDFCreator conflicts with it, so you have to kill the installation process (...exe.tmp) in the Task Manager.

Workaround: install PDFCreator first and DivX second.

This is clearly not a true solution, but you won't run into this error anymore.


 hi, i also got this similiar error 


runtime error (at 113:383)  <-- what is this?

access violation at address 7C92AE22. Read of address 5C3A433D



A bug, not a feature. I think it's best to use the workaround, unless you want to peek-and-poke in the source.

I do not see DivX on my Win XP SP3 system to uninstall. Does this problem just associate with ANY program utilizing

…Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Redistributable (VC80CRTRedist - 8.0.50727.4053)