How do i install pdf creator on a windows 7/64 that does NOT connect to the internet?

i dont need the architect thing, just print to pdf.
thanks all

this chromebook does connect so i can download the software for use on the windows 7/64 computer

You don't need an active internet connection to install PDFCreator.
If you have PDFCreator Plus or Business, an offline activation will do the trick:

Thanks but i do NOT have any of those.
PDFCreator-3_5_1-Setup is the name of the file but it will need to connect to the internet!

Could you attach a screenshot of the error message, please?

thanks. i suspect it want to load ms net thing

That's possible!
You can get the .NET offline installer here:

I guess version 4.7.2 should work fine.

will give it a try.
does pdf creator NEED net when the computer does NOT connect to the internet?

the net did not like our win7/64 computer!

According to the Microsoft Site WIndows 7 SP1 is supported.
Did you use this installer?

Correct, if .net is installed you can ignore the warning PDFCreator sends (if it does send a warning at all).

NDP472-KB4054530-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe is the file i used