Install driver on windows 7 from a server installation

I have 0.9.8 running on a 2008 Server working and running just fine with xp users.  My problem is when I installed Windows 7 pro 64bit, I can not intall the driver.  I get a message that states the following...

"No Driver found

Windows can't find a driver for PDFCreator on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel adn consult your network administator or the printer manufacturer's website."

I can't seem to find a driver in the intalled folders.  Any Help?


Well I am so glad there is somene here that could help. Woops, sorry there isn't.  I Installed it as a local computer then did the server connection and it worked. then deleted the local because I didn't want the local printer.

So if you need help, I guess you have to think your going to get it, and while your waiting figure it out your self.

This feature was added in version 1.0.