Invalid character printed for a (alfa) and o (omega)


I have a problem, with invalid characters, that occurs rather often when I'm creating a pdf file with PDFCreator 1.2.1, (happend with 1.2.0 as well).
The problem is with the character a (alfa) and o (omega) that is printed with the □ (square) symbol.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit with IE9.

For example if I print this web page:öretag/Placeringar/301+i+årsränta+på+företagets+överskottslikviditet/1053852.html
o will be printed with the □ symbol.

If anyone tries the link above and is not able to reproduce the error please let me know, than it could be something wrong with my setup.

I appreciate any help that could solve this issue!



I am under Vista family SP2 and IE9 and I have the same problem with pdfcreator V1.2.2 (it was the same with previous versions 1.2.1 and 1.2.0)

when printing web pages, character a and e sometimes are replaced by the "square symbol" when testing with your URL it is the same with o and a.

I have try many parameters without success so finaly I decided to uninstall PDFcreator and to install another tool (cutePDF writer V2.8) it is a more simple tool but it works fine.

To check, the use simultaneous of PDFcreator and cutePDF, I have reinstall PDFcreator and now it works fine !!!!
uninstall cutePDF and it continue tio works fine !!!!

Ghostscript effect ? I don't know but cutePDF use GS 8.15 and PDFcreator use 9.02

Have you find a solution since you post your comment ?



Many thanks for your reply, I have almost given up on this issue so I'm happy to see a reply at least and that I'm not the only one facing the problem!

Unfortunately I haven't found a solution for the problem.
When I get a minute over I will give the cutePDF trick you mention above a chance.
