Issue - Getting Black rectangle boxes -printing from Spool file

Continuing the discussion from Getting_black_boxes_when printing to pdf:

Hi all,

I am getting an error for which request resolution.
I am using PDF creator to Print a PDF file from an EMF file. The emf file has the extention *.spl and has been picked from Printer Spool folder. Viewer used to open file is SPLviewer from where the print command is being given
I am getting black rectangle boxes in some places of converted PDF. Don't know how to resolve this one. Have tried other vitual printers too , but whichever is using PDFcreator' code is giving the same problem.
Attaching sample pdf showing the issue.

Pl help in resolving this one.


PDFCreator can process PS files. SPL files are an intermittent format, that all I know about them.

  • Is there any chance to use another SPLviewer for testing purposes?
  • If the SPL files already 'include' these black rectangle boxes then printing will not necessarily make them disappear.
  • Windows Test Page and/or PDFCreator Test Page does not include any boxes?


Thnx Sascha for the response .

  • No , the original file doesn’t have any black rectangle .

  • I tried Microsoft -print to pdf ; and it is able to save as pdf perfectly , without any black boxes.

. I tried dopdf - it is also able to save without boxes. Yet , I’ve a preference to use pdf creator .

If you need any details from me which can help in resolving this issue - pl let let know .- awaiting



Hi LT,

Although, you did not directly answer, I assume that Windows Test Page and/or PDFCreator Test Page worked perfectly with PDFCreator. So the issues are just with SPL files. Since other PDF-Tools seem to have no issues we would definitely want to figure out what's going 'wrong' or at least to provide an explanation.

Could you please contact us via the PDFCreator Support button on our website (imprint) and once you received our initial confirmation e-mail also attach a few relevant screenshots as well as an SPL file. Which SPLviewer are you using?

Many thanks