Joining colored PDF-files ALWAYS end up with PDF-files in black and white

I have used PDFCreator 0.9.8/ghostscript 8.64 for a looong time, because if I update the program, joined PDF-files ALWAYS end up in black and white PDF-files (actually grayscale).

Last time I updated and got that problem, I could reinstall 0.9.8 and making it work again, but this time, what ever I do, the joined files ALWAYS becomes BW.

I have tried to uninstall 1.7.1, cleaning files and reg (with Glary AND ccleaner) and reinstall 0.9.8 again, but that doesn't fix the problem like last time. I have tried with other earlier ghostscripts with no difference.

When I use the virtual printer in programs with colors in, the PDF-files are in colors. It is only when I join files the result becomes BW. It makes no difference in PDFArchitect or Foxit.

It runs under WinXP Pro SP3 with Comodo firewall/viruscanner.

The PDF-files are usually from a Brother 135C scanner (make any difference?).

Any idea?



did you check if the pdfcmon.dll got replaced properly during all of the updates/reinstalling?
Does this also happen, if you merge images, or only with PDFs?
Have you tried using the PDF Architect to merge the files?



After uninstalling both, pdfcmon.dll gets deleted from system32-folder, and after reinstalling it, it reappears (from april 10., 2013).

PDFCreator still makes BW-files, but PDFArchitect (after activating it) makes color-files.

The activation didn't change PDFCreators behavior.

I still find it odd.

Regards, hasc.


yes it is odd, I am not able to reproduce this here.
You have the correct version of the pdfcmon.dll
It is normal installing/uninstalling/activating the PDF Architect doesn’t influence PDFCreator, they aren’t directly connected to eachother, but why the merged files are b/w is a mistery

