Latest version of PDF Creator - Install

There are various red flags I look for, as do others, in the install of software of any type. The first oddity was with the downloaded file itself that had the generic name of Download Manager rather than the typical exe file containing the version number as had been used in the past. This file was scanned with my antivirus program and came out clean. However, upon activation it was immediately flagged as trying to setup a Proxy server of some sort. Furthermore, there were no explanations within the currently running exe as to where this was trying to connect or what it was going to do. In short, that hit my 3 strikes in your out point very fast so I proceeded to block and/or cancel any further activities. Please go back to the simple install package you used before that doesn't have extra features that are unneeded. Until then I will use the older version that works just fine.

Seeing as there has been no response of any sort to my post, I have referred this matter - officially - for action to others in our organization. We had planned to add a listing for your software within our resources book for free software as a member recommended it. Those plans have been put on indefinate hold. 

Irene Kraus (BSIT, MBA Marketing/Technology Management) aka Computer Lady; CEBUG (President, Webmaster) 

I don't know what you downloaded, but it wasn't PDF creator. My download was named "PDFCreator-1_2_3_setup.exe".